Last week, I've stayed at my grandma's house. Which at early, I've imagined a whole week of no internet. It should be a bit sucks. But after the second day there, It wasn't that boring anyway. I've learnt so many things. In fact, I don't need to do all the chores I did at home..huhu. She told me lots of stories, most of her life experiences, when she was still a young woman. She taught me how to sew clothes and simple trousers. I even manageg to sew a batik trouser and the baju kurung. I really-really respect her as an old member of the community.
Grandma house got astro. I enjoy cartoons and action drama like CSI and House, a medical related drama. One day, I turn on the Hallmark channel and there was a movie on that particular time. At first, I don't think the movie was my type. Still, I watched it. Its a story of a bad man just knew that he was the last relative of an old woman, which was his grandmother. He was in the run from the man who gave him the illegal loan, which us in Malaysia called 'Ah Long'. He tried to get all the inheritance so that he could pay that loan shark. Day after day past, and he actually gain more love to that old grandma he had. But, the story didn't end happily. His grandma died. Tumor. He was so upset but he never regret on knowing that he did make her life a bit lively than before. He cancelled his decision to sell his grandma house. Instead, he lived there, in the small town he used to hate, Harmony,Texas.
From the movie, I think I'm gonna spend more time with my grandma because I know she loved me. Appreciate her for everything she'd done for me..

Assalamualaikum and welcome to this blog. I decided to compile all the links to clothes designing, health care and so on for you all to view. Guess what, it's all free! I only intended to help you in searching the websites of your interest.
Let me know if you all got comments and information that can improve my blog! thanks!

dear beloved Creator..
thanks for giving me a life.
even there's a lot of difficulties I must face..
thousands of miseries I must take..
I believe... You have Your own agenda for making all that problems...
thanks for showing me lots of good people when I'm still breathing,
thanks for lending me a bunch of people to live with..
thanks for giving me a chance to know what's life is.
Dari Anas bin Malik ra berkata,”Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda bahawa Allah SWT berfirman,”Wahai anak Adam, selama kamu berdoa dan berharap kepada-Ku, maka Aku mengampuni dosa-dosa lampaumu dan Aku tidak peduli. Wahai anak Adam, meski dosamu sepenuh langit, namun bila kamu meminta ampun kepada-Ku, pastilah Ku ampuni dan Aku tidak peduli. Wahai anak Adam, meski kamu datang kepada Ku dengan dosa sepenuh bumi namun bila kamu menemui-Ku tanpa syirik kepada-Ku, maka Aku akan mendatangimu dengan ampunan sepenuh itu juga. (HR. At-Tirmizy)
Sejak akhir-akhir ni..aku kerap melawati blog teman-teman seperjuangan.. terdetik juga untuk mempunyai blog sendiri. Tapi, aku sendiri tak pasti apa yg patut ku isi di dalam blogku nanti..
Sedar-sedar, minatku dalam dunia IT ini telah mengilhamkan aku untuk mencuba..
Dan inilah hasilnya...masih banyak untuk aku perbaiki. Niat aku cuma untuk berkongsi pendapat bersama pengunjung blog ni.. Di samping meng-improve-kan lagi iman dalam diri yang nipis ni..
Sebelum terlupa, aku ingin mengucapkan selamat datang kepada insan-insan yang sudi melawat blog ni. Semoga ukhuwwah antara kita semua berkekalan...dunia dan akhirat.
Sedar-sedar, minatku dalam dunia IT ini telah mengilhamkan aku untuk mencuba..
Dan inilah hasilnya...masih banyak untuk aku perbaiki. Niat aku cuma untuk berkongsi pendapat bersama pengunjung blog ni.. Di samping meng-improve-kan lagi iman dalam diri yang nipis ni..
Sebelum terlupa, aku ingin mengucapkan selamat datang kepada insan-insan yang sudi melawat blog ni. Semoga ukhuwwah antara kita semua berkekalan...dunia dan akhirat.
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