Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pernah bersabda yang bermaksud:
“Tidak sempurna iman seseorang itu selagi ia tidak mengasihi saudaranya sebagaimana ia mengasihi dirinya sendiri.” (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Demikianlah keindahan Islam. Jauh dari unsur mementingkan diri atau nafsi-nafsi sehinggakan kasih sesama saudara diletakkan sebagai syarat kesempurnaan iman.
Untuk menyahut seruan ini,
1. Nyatakan rasa kasihmu terhadap saudaramu.
Sabda Rasulullah: “Jika seseorang itu kasih akan saudaranya, beritahulah kepadanya bahawa dia kasih kepadanya.” (Riwayat Abu Daud dan Tarmidzi)
2. Mintalah supaya saudaramu mendoakanmu sebelum berpisah.
Umar al-Khattab r.a berkata, “Saya minta izin kepada baginda Rasulullah s.a.w untuk mengerjakan umarah. Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w membenarkan dan berpesan; “Jangan lupa berdoa untuk kami bersama.” (Riwayat Abu Daud dan Tarmidzi).
3. Segeralah bersalam apabila bertemu.
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w, “Tiadalah dua orang muslim yang bertemu lalu bersalaman melainkan dosa mereka akan diampunkan sebelum berpisah.”
4. Bermanis muka apabila bertemu “Janganlah kamu memandang hina terhadap kebaikan walaupun kecil, sekalipun bermanis muka ketika bertemu dengan kawan-kawan”.
5. Memberi ucapan tahniah kepada saudaranya dan menyukakan hatinya.
“Siapa yang menemui saudaranya dengan apa-apa yang menyukakannya, nescaya Allah akan menyukannya pada hari kiamat.”
6. Laksanakan tanggungjawab persaudaraan dengan sempurna.
Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: Siapa yang melapangkan satu kesusahan orang yang beriman daripada kesusahan-kesusahan dunia, Allah akan melapangkan orang itu, satu kerumitan daripada kerumitan Akhirat. Dan siapa yang memudahkan orang yang susah, Allah akan memudahkannya di dunia dan akhirat. Siapa yang menutup keaiban orang Islam, Allah akan menutupkan keaibannya di dunia dan akhirat. Dan Allah sentiasa menolong hamba itu selagi hamba itu mahu menolong saudaranya. (Riwayat Muslim)

back to English. (since someone did comment about using BM n BI in d same time..hihi)
Nothing much to say..I'm not feeling very well. The fever's gone, but the cough's still there, interrupting my days and nights. Hope it'll be fine b4 the 3rd sem starts..
Curious, why teenagers and early adults love to talk about love? Most of my friends, which are IPT students now don't really talk merely about love. They talked about about marriage! An advanced stage of life. Are we ready enough to talk about it? We're just 20's..(me excluded). Why in hurry? InsyaAllah, our journey is still far. We don't even finish our studies yet..Although it is not illegal, but don't you all think it's kinda rush? Our goal now is to study. Finish what must be done first. Don't try to involve yourself in this love thing yet coz it'll cost you your future. Study first, k. Fight, fight,fight!
If you already have an interest in someone, desiring to make him or her as your future partner..just leave it to Allah s.w.t. We don't know our destiny, what's written in Luh Mahfuz. We plan, but it's HIM who decides what's best for us. What happen if the person you like is not your true partner? You'll frustrated, you waste your love to the wrong person. Pitiful.
I'm not saying.."hey everyone, stop loving.. avoid early marriage!" It'll be very harsh isn't it? Sounds like forcing everyone to kill the feeling to love. Everyone have feelings, and if it's their destiny to marry early, why must we oppose? Better than doing all the sins..
I am really curious about these people who dare do marry in such an early age. too curious.. But I'm not that serious thinking about it.. Personally, I have more interest in my studies..for now. Don't really remember what's love like. Relax my friends, the right man will come when the right time comes. So, don't expect too much..again, leave it to Allah s.w.t.
Hmm..just curious..
*bm je la kali ni..
Sabtu baru ni, berakhirlah Kem Menuju Puncak II yang telah dirancang melebihi 2 bulan. Kali ni saya tak jadi fasilitator, so.. tak dapatlah berkenalan dengan ahli kumpulan sebab kumpulan pun takde..hihi.. tapi takpe. Saya diberi amanah yang lebih besar, jadi saya kena fokus pada kerja-kerja saya...kerja-kerja jaga duit =)
Masa mula-mula sampai kat imtiaz, rasa sejuk je bila pandang students. Pakai tudung labuh, jubah, sarung kaki, armsock pun.. ( malu pn ada kat mereka-mereka ni..)Yang lelaki plk ada je kopiah atas kepala. Kebetulan ada tahlil, seronok tgk adik2 semua pakai jubah putih (yg lelaki la). Rasa mcm nak haji pn ade..huhu.Kalau bertembung dengan mereka, majoriti bagi salam. Rasa macam mereka ni dah ok dah.. tak perlu lagi motivasi..
Saya tak dapat nak ikuti sgt perkembangan pelajar sepanjang kem, sbb kerja-kerja saya byk di blkg tabir. Sebelum terlupa (kata2 Radhiah ni..hihi), sbnrnya bukan semua pelajar tingkatan 1&2 terlibat. Sekolah dah anjur macam-macam aktiviti minggu tu. Ada pertandingan Nashid, Bola Jaring, Uji Minda...mcm2 lah..Daripada 120 peserta, tinggal 70 lbih je..
Saya ada terjumpa dgn beberapa pelajar tingkatan 1 perempuan yg tak dapat join sbb ada pertandingan Nashid. Majoriti terkilan la sbb xleh join. Ada yang dari selangor, sedih bila sy ckp ada aktiviti kat luar imtiaz..dorg x pernah pn kluar kat sekitar2 imtiaz. Sabarlah dik ye.. Lagipun Ustaz Zul ada suggest, kalau boleh next time buat kat luar. InsyaAllah ustaz, depends pada musyawarah peringkat atasan..
Terkilan jugak sebenarnye.. ada pihak yang tak dpt memberikan komitmen pd kem. Yang bagi nama tp tak hadir, yang hadir tp tak sempat kem pn dah cabut lari..Myb diorang ada mslh kot.. Walau apepun, terima kasih banyak2 pada yg terus istiqamah dengan kem ni. Kalau ikutkn, kita tak dapat apa pun dari kem selain sekeping sijil. (tu pun tak dapat lagi kan..)
Sabar ye, nanti dapatlah tu.. It's a matter of time. Semoga Allah jua yang membalas jasa yang telah dicurahkan..
Barisan ajk & fasi kali ni pun terdiri drp batch yang berbeza2. Yang ada batch spm03,04,06,07,08. Suka jgk bila kumpul ramai2 ni.. yang mana dah terputus hubungan tu, boleh sambung balik. Yang mana tak kenal, boleh berkenal-kenalan..tak kisah lah sesama ajk, fasi mahupun dengan adik2.
Kenangan kem kali ini InsyaAllah akan sentiasa diingati.. bak kata sorng shbt.."memories are the pleasures that no one can steal"..
Kita nantikan kedatangan Kem Menuju Puncak III plk yerk.. imtiaz, c u soon..(pnat pn x abih lg...huhu)
Sabtu baru ni, berakhirlah Kem Menuju Puncak II yang telah dirancang melebihi 2 bulan. Kali ni saya tak jadi fasilitator, so.. tak dapatlah berkenalan dengan ahli kumpulan sebab kumpulan pun takde..hihi.. tapi takpe. Saya diberi amanah yang lebih besar, jadi saya kena fokus pada kerja-kerja saya...kerja-kerja jaga duit =)
Masa mula-mula sampai kat imtiaz, rasa sejuk je bila pandang students. Pakai tudung labuh, jubah, sarung kaki, armsock pun.. ( malu pn ada kat mereka-mereka ni..)Yang lelaki plk ada je kopiah atas kepala. Kebetulan ada tahlil, seronok tgk adik2 semua pakai jubah putih (yg lelaki la). Rasa mcm nak haji pn ade..huhu.Kalau bertembung dengan mereka, majoriti bagi salam. Rasa macam mereka ni dah ok dah.. tak perlu lagi motivasi..
Saya tak dapat nak ikuti sgt perkembangan pelajar sepanjang kem, sbb kerja-kerja saya byk di blkg tabir. Sebelum terlupa (kata2 Radhiah ni..hihi), sbnrnya bukan semua pelajar tingkatan 1&2 terlibat. Sekolah dah anjur macam-macam aktiviti minggu tu. Ada pertandingan Nashid, Bola Jaring, Uji Minda...mcm2 lah..Daripada 120 peserta, tinggal 70 lbih je..
Saya ada terjumpa dgn beberapa pelajar tingkatan 1 perempuan yg tak dapat join sbb ada pertandingan Nashid. Majoriti terkilan la sbb xleh join. Ada yang dari selangor, sedih bila sy ckp ada aktiviti kat luar imtiaz..dorg x pernah pn kluar kat sekitar2 imtiaz. Sabarlah dik ye.. Lagipun Ustaz Zul ada suggest, kalau boleh next time buat kat luar. InsyaAllah ustaz, depends pada musyawarah peringkat atasan..
Terkilan jugak sebenarnye.. ada pihak yang tak dpt memberikan komitmen pd kem. Yang bagi nama tp tak hadir, yang hadir tp tak sempat kem pn dah cabut lari..Myb diorang ada mslh kot.. Walau apepun, terima kasih banyak2 pada yg terus istiqamah dengan kem ni. Kalau ikutkn, kita tak dapat apa pun dari kem selain sekeping sijil. (tu pun tak dapat lagi kan..)
Sabar ye, nanti dapatlah tu.. It's a matter of time. Semoga Allah jua yang membalas jasa yang telah dicurahkan..
Barisan ajk & fasi kali ni pun terdiri drp batch yang berbeza2. Yang ada batch spm03,04,06,07,08. Suka jgk bila kumpul ramai2 ni.. yang mana dah terputus hubungan tu, boleh sambung balik. Yang mana tak kenal, boleh berkenal-kenalan..tak kisah lah sesama ajk, fasi mahupun dengan adik2.
Kenangan kem kali ini InsyaAllah akan sentiasa diingati.. bak kata sorng shbt.."memories are the pleasures that no one can steal"..
Kita nantikan kedatangan Kem Menuju Puncak III plk yerk.. imtiaz, c u soon..(pnat pn x abih lg...huhu)

What makes these foods spicy is a chemical in the white ribs of jalapenos called capsaicin. Capsaicin was originally a defense mechanism of the peppers, but humans tend to enjoy this painful zing that adds so much flavor to our dull diets.
Capsaicin is lipophilic, which means that it has an affinity for fat. This explains why the hotness is spread around when you drink water, but eating more food helps to absorb it. An overload of capsaicin causes cells to die. Cell death is caused by injury rather then a programmed death. This cell death could be the reason for some peoples desensitization to hot foods.
Capsaicin does have some good effects. It is known to have analgesic effects that help with arthritis and post-herpetic neuralgias. These analgesic effects could have something to do with the fact that capsaicin causes cells to die, less cells equal less pain.
But what in the human body causes us to perceive this chemical as a burning hot sensation? The capsaicin comes into contact with the trigeminal cells (pain receptors) in the mouth, nostrils, and throat. The brain then interprets this as pain.
regards to mia
It's been a while after journey to Mersing and now, I need to prepare for the KMP.
What to bring, what to be done..
About 3 days ago, I've started to make things more clear. The role I need to complete, which are the registration, presents and the majlis penutup stuff..
Just when I need the work paper since I wrote everything on it (don't really like to splits things..easier to check when it is necessary), it disappeared! I was very panic, thank God the money didn't disappear too..( sure pengarah will be very angry...huhu)
I search and search and search.. still no sign of it. I don't know what to do..I've searched everywhere.. the room..the table, cupboards,racks,bed.. in the car, living room,..everywhere.
I could try to remember what I've noted on that work paper..
but it won't be the same... I might miss something..
I don't know what to do.. almost giving up in the has been 3 days..
I sent Sue, a message about the info I wanted.. just in case if she wrote it in her notebook.
but she didn't..
I was about to blow the worries to her..
I don't know where it came from..
something tells me to check under the bed again..
(actually I don't feel It was there..) but I listen to it, with no objections..I went closer to my bed.
Guess what? IT WAS THERE!!
I've checked it before. It wasn't there..! There's nothing under my bed except those neatly-rolled carpets.
..quickly.. Alhamdulillah came out from my mouth..
thank God..
thank to the Almighty God for this help..
He came when we didn't expect...
What to bring, what to be done..
About 3 days ago, I've started to make things more clear. The role I need to complete, which are the registration, presents and the majlis penutup stuff..
Just when I need the work paper since I wrote everything on it (don't really like to splits things..easier to check when it is necessary), it disappeared! I was very panic, thank God the money didn't disappear too..( sure pengarah will be very angry...huhu)
I search and search and search.. still no sign of it. I don't know what to do..I've searched everywhere.. the room..the table, cupboards,racks,bed.. in the car, living room,..everywhere.
I could try to remember what I've noted on that work paper..
but it won't be the same... I might miss something..
I don't know what to do.. almost giving up in the has been 3 days..
I sent Sue, a message about the info I wanted.. just in case if she wrote it in her notebook.
but she didn't..
I was about to blow the worries to her..
I don't know where it came from..
something tells me to check under the bed again..
(actually I don't feel It was there..) but I listen to it, with no objections..I went closer to my bed.
Guess what? IT WAS THERE!!
I've checked it before. It wasn't there..! There's nothing under my bed except those neatly-rolled carpets.
..quickly.. Alhamdulillah came out from my mouth..
thank God..
thank to the Almighty God for this help..
He came when we didn't expect...
jealous.. too jealous.. jealous smpai xtau nk ckp cmne..
( of course, I'm a Januarian..mmg kuat jeles )
seeing lotz of my friends out there.
with eksyen2 pics..
really out, out there.
out of the land named Malaysia.
woo.. I wanna go there too..
( tu la..x blaja btol2 lg..)
nak men salji..
amik gmbr sume..
nak jln2 kt tmpt cantik2..
nk bwk kwn2, family..org2 yg disyngi sume..
hmm..tgk la nnti..
when I got lots of money in my pocket..
so, gotta strive harder zarin!!
much more harder!
( of course, I'm a Januarian..mmg kuat jeles )
seeing lotz of my friends out there.
with eksyen2 pics..
really out, out there.
out of the land named Malaysia.
woo.. I wanna go there too..
( tu la..x blaja btol2 lg..)
nak men salji..
amik gmbr sume..
nak jln2 kt tmpt cantik2..
nk bwk kwn2, family..org2 yg disyngi sume..
hmm..tgk la nnti..
when I got lots of money in my pocket..
so, gotta strive harder zarin!!
much more harder!

Be Careful, It's ADDICTIVE !
I don't think it is childish to watch Naruto episodes. Why not, the story got lots of moral values. Once you watch it, you'll know what I mean. Seriously.
It's about a strong bond in friendship.
About a strong determination to be accepted by others.
About a pure love and sincerity with people around us.
About a hope to have a very best friend.
About the sacrifice to protect what we love.
About a classic life, away from bad modern lifestyle and habits.

[1] In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. [2] Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; [3] Most Gracious, Most Merciful; [4] Master of the Day of Judgment. [5] Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek, [6] Show us the straight way, [7] The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.

I went to Mersing last Friday for a Treasure Hunt challenge. Actually it was a campaign convoy about avoiding AIDS. What's so funny, everyone wore the same orange T-shirt. It was very fun. The treasure hunt started after the Petronas station, near to the Politeknik. The clues are so confusing. Some of them don't really related to the answers (I know coz the answers was given this morning, after the talk about AIDS). All of my family joined. At first we argued alot. It's mom first experience ( same here with me and my sister ), so we weren't too sure what the clues lead to. We must take notice of every signboards, every shops and stalls so we won't missed up all the answers.
Huhu.. you know, we already leave the first question empty. No idea at all! So we just moved forward since we didn't wan t to be left behind by other contestants. For your info, there's about 91 families joined the campaign. It wasn't a race actually, but we all just afraid that we'll arrive late at Mersing Sri Malaysia Hotel.
It was about 40 questions. We did left empty questions in a row. We thought we were in the last group. We don't really put a high expectation on getting the first place, even top twenties. the questions were too difficult and tricky.
Surprisingly, we won number 26, over 91 families. It was shocking.. with empty questions in rows. Alhamdulillah, we did it better than what we thought. We're so lucky coz we won one lucky draw. I've been so unlucky after I went out of KIST. You know, every time there's a lucky draw at my beloved secondary school, KIST, I'm pretty confident to get at least one draw. What a lucky moment.
Back to our story, I can't really imagine how Dr. Mat's brain works. It was really awesome for him to give us such confusing questions. Bravo Dr. Mat! Bravo..
Oh, before I forgot..thanks for the campaign! thanks for everyone involved.
Just finished the meeting with other camp committees( this afternoon?). I've got a clearer view about the whole schedule. Well, like one of them said, meeting is really important. You'll learn more. Definitely.
Few words from me, since I'm not really good in giving speeches (my bad). I've seen so many leaders in my life. My friends, my course mates, my room mates.. But, every leader got their own attitude. How they manage things, give orders and solve the committee problems. My point here is you guys did a very good job. Without all your efforts, this camp won't go any further than just a plan on a piece of paper. Rubbish, I would say. To make a plan or any other ideas done, a leader needs his or her workers, followers.. Now they can really make it works.
I really want to apologize if I ever did mistakes. I'm not really good in this leadership stuff. (Well, still trying to improve it, who knows it might be useful in the future..) But I am very glad if I can give you a hand. Make it easier..
thanks( regards for all members involved in making KMP II a success )
Few words from me, since I'm not really good in giving speeches (my bad). I've seen so many leaders in my life. My friends, my course mates, my room mates.. But, every leader got their own attitude. How they manage things, give orders and solve the committee problems. My point here is you guys did a very good job. Without all your efforts, this camp won't go any further than just a plan on a piece of paper. Rubbish, I would say. To make a plan or any other ideas done, a leader needs his or her workers, followers.. Now they can really make it works.
I really want to apologize if I ever did mistakes. I'm not really good in this leadership stuff. (Well, still trying to improve it, who knows it might be useful in the future..) But I am very glad if I can give you a hand. Make it easier..
thanks( regards for all members involved in making KMP II a success )

It's a really shocking news you know. But, I know this will happen someday. I still remember what my dad said about that stadium. It was built too quick. Why not, the SUKMA was just around the corner that time. They're just afraid that they won't make it in time.
That's what happen when we do things in rush. Now, the roof part ruined. They need to fix it again. What a waste of money, don't you think? I don't know what I should feel. Sad, angry or ashamed.. It's a state proud to have such beautiful and filled with such advanced facilities stadium. Angry? Why not? Didn't the contractors and other related parties think properly before building that stadium? They should build it far more earlier.
Who can we put all the blame to? Like the one of the lately famous Malaysian celebs said.. " lu pikir r sendiri.."
I know, there are so many kinds of fashions todays. Veils for muslimah are modified in such ways so that people will gladly wear them. It is really good coz it encourages more people to wear them. But, something is missing. Something really basic to be forgotten.
Its the purpose of the veil itself. The conditions and the veil should be.
{31}And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.
~An Nur, verse 31
I can't deny, veils with modern styles will definitely attract more women to wear them. But there's a bit mistake. Most of the veils don't really cover the chest. It was written in the Holy Book, Al Quran. We can't simply forget stuff like this. It's Allah's words. So, I wish that these veils can be recreated or improved so that they fulfill the syarak. Its what we say.." what you wish in your heart never make how you make them done halal".
Its the purpose of the veil itself. The conditions and the veil should be.
{31}And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.
~An Nur, verse 31
I can't deny, veils with modern styles will definitely attract more women to wear them. But there's a bit mistake. Most of the veils don't really cover the chest. It was written in the Holy Book, Al Quran. We can't simply forget stuff like this. It's Allah's words. So, I wish that these veils can be recreated or improved so that they fulfill the syarak. Its what we say.." what you wish in your heart never make how you make them done halal".

I know so many kinds of friends. Some just like me, having the same view about things around us. and some are just too different. Some really seems like what we've imagined. But there are lots of people who just so not like what they look like. Someone we think ought to be. Some are just too tough, strong-willed and inspired. Some are just too fragile, easily moved.
All of these people I know, are all the people that I care. I might not show them directly that I love them. I chose to give them protection from behind. I like hearing people problems, but mine are another thing. I don't really like to interfere someone's life with my problems. I'll to give the best advices I can.
Some of them were unexpected open hearted to tell me their secrets. I don't really mind about it. I listen to them. I want to be a good listener. It is what I've learnt from my previous experiences. I really hate when people don't pay attention to our story when we want them to.
Some people got problems with their studies, the pressures given by their parents.
Some got love problems. Disloyal crush, not understanding couple..
Some got friendship problems.. usually happened when other people make bad stories about their friendship..
Some got finance problems. The loan didn't given yet, no money to pay the study expenses.
Sometimes, I can also hear rare type problems. Well, there are so much people live on this planet. Each of them have their own problems..
When we feel the tense of having such problems in our head, we really need to spill it out. Tell someone about it. We can never be silent at all time. What are friends for, right?
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