are yaar... kiya hua?
mood 3 idiots
tp bkn nk ckp psl 3 idiots pn.
today I post my thoughts as fb status after ternampak satu gmbr one of my typically friend.
surprisingly, rmai lah plk yg like.
xde ape pun. bkn gmbr pelik2 yaw.
she's a girl yg pkai tudung labuh, smiled n pose sket tepi cermin.
xde ape sgt pn kan.
cume.. yg makes me more rs nak gelak n sedikit annoyed is.. comment2 kt bwh tu.
mostly, org puji lah.. mmg bdk tuh cun pn. sy tgk pn.."eh, sape ni? junior skolah ak ke? cun lah jugak"
then she replied.."eh, xdelah.. bese2 je.." or " ishh... huduh je ni.."
dan seangkatan dgnnye lah.
ni bkn based on her pic je lah..
based on gmbr2 org len jgk lah..
nk bwat cmne.. fren list 1000 lebih, mcm2 berita lah kuar kt homepage.. (kite bkn retis ni, xdpt lah nk 2000 lebih frens..keh3)
makes me thinks..
that girl td.. seems nice. but, perhaps it'll be nicer if she didn;t upload the pic. makes her seems a humble n shy person.
ok, shy di sini bkn pemalu yg smpai nk ckp pn susah. shy=malu yg tahu melindungi harga diri. yg xsewenang-wenangnye memaparkan kecantikan diri pada sebarang org.
so.. makes me abit upset lah.
tell me again, what's the motive of uploading such pics at the first place?
obviously nk dipuji. xbyk pn sikit. elehh..xpyh la nk deny. sy juge pernah jek. haha..
kalo nk ckp dari sudut islamik.. bkn ke, perhiasan pling indah pd wanita adelah sifat malu? then.. kecantikan tu.. bkn ke patutnye tunjuk pd suami? bkn la suruh ngan org len kne huduh2..ishh.. cume.. mksd sy.. simpan la kecantikan tu..mesti hepi punyelah kalo ur husb is the 1st guy to see how actually beautiful you are.. again, pndapat sy lah. ngan org len bese2 dh la.. xpyh nk cantik super2 sgt. just be appear nice n sedap mata memandang dh la.
(btulla.. perasaan nk dipuji tu yg dorong nk upload gmbr2 cmtu. siyesly.. ckp jujo ni)
but, xleh nk slhkan bdk tuh jgk. xpenah pn nmpk dy upload sblm nih. mebi dy just nk try market? sy dulu pn..upload satu dua yg konon2nye cun pn motifnye just nk try market jgk. hahaha.
erk.. ni bkn nk hentam bdk tu jela. ni ckp secara overall. nmpk kelakar bile org puji then ckp 'ehh..bese2 jela..' i mean, uploading posed pics..cute looking..with obvious intention to obtain pujian.. rs..x necessary kot.
ni pendapat sy lah.
kalo nk upload gmbr ngan member2, xpe lah. at least motive utk share gmbr beraktiviti ke ape ke..
u'll know what kind of gmbr that i said 'obvious intention to obtain pujian'. u just know. even depends pd niat masing2 yg mebi kte xtahu, still.. what's the motive.
(sy da mula ckp berbelit-belit....)
my point is.. xperlu lah kot nk upload gmbr solo, posing2 cun or cute. bikin riak je nnti bile org duk puji2. xbaik utk kesihatan~
tak takot ke nnti ade org save as dlm komputer? kalo dpt kt org yg berniat jahat cmne..
then.. ble org puji tu.. beri la jwpn brilliant skit. jgn la ckp.."huduh je ni.." sume org cntik. cntik dgn cara masing2. how dare ckp God's creation huduh. xbersyukur kah? how about.." ha'ah, mmg aku cantik ponn" ? hahaha
to me.. sorg pompuan tu cantik.. bile selalu senyum. pkai tdung (seems nicer).. less make up..but not selekeh. simply, pkai la bdak..pkai lipbalm ke sket.. basics lah. xde la nmpk berminyak je muke, bibir pn pucat lesi xbermaya.. n then, girls yg xberfesyen2 sgt. sometime fashion tends to make people to look odd. simple2 sudaa. then.. yg suka memasak. xsemestinya pakar, bcoz nk obtain kepakaran tu mebi susah kot. at least ade keinginan nk rajin ke dapur lah. then.. girls yg kemas n bersih. yg suka budak-budak. girls yg solat n mengaji.. yg peramah dan cerdik. yg hormat org tua.. ckp softly2 gtew..
bcoz beauty ni sgt subjective..
I choose to look the beauty that appeals from inside. lelaki ke pompuan..same je.
=this is one of facebook's contras. makes people tend to upload unnecessary photos in it. so.. results yg kebanyakannye unnecessary pun timbul lah jgk=