Saturday, March 31, 2012 0 comments

Earth Hour and...

Today we're celebrating Earth Hour. 
I switched off the lights.
It was dark.
I light the candles.
It was brighter.
Outside's not that pitch black.


ahah.. nak berpoem ke hape tuh?
sempat la jgk bergelap smpena earth hour ni. hehe..
maklum sajela.. da keje under wwf ni.. concern la sket.

Tomorrow I got a meeting. At KL sentral. with.. well, someone with my love.


kalo ade jodoh..jumpe la kite esok! wee
*eh ckp psl ape ni??
err.. bkn Mr Right ye. ni menda laen.

Friday, March 30, 2012 0 comments

Mood kecek qlate

aduh bkpo nim..
sero nok kecek klate nih..


ni mesti kes abe hop jual ice blended td nih..
dop pom.. sbb baru pah tgk fesbuk ore klate nih..

jadi kow? yola.. ore nim ore tganu.. tp.. skmo2 nyo saem jah nga ore klate..
skmo jah ore confuse..kito ni ore klate ko tganu..
mgkin sbb namo kito nim ado 'Wan' kop..

tp nyo..
nok kecek nga sapo?
siye nyo ko ambo..
gni la hidup.. habih tinggi kecek nga laptop..

ni sero nok nikoh laluh ni. 
ado jgk hok neme dumoh.

ehh.. ngaruk laluh.

p/s: ore pom dop tahu la bkpo terlebih rajin updet blod arinih..huhu


Something good awaits?

In excitement.

I don’t know if I’m good at taking pictures. Some people said I do.. but..I dunno.. Different people got different views. Maybe there are people who dislike what I’m doing. I mean… my style of so-called photography.


I am clear that I don’t just like doing it, in fact.. I LOVE it! Snap here and there. Buat muka tak malu just for a snap. :P

Yang pasti.. I feel happy doing it. Costy interest. I know..What to say.

♪♪ I was born this way~~ ♪♫

I’m in a good mood today. I and the staff sitting beside me talked a lot today. I feel.. more comfortable. Less stressed out.

Inviting positive thoughts and inspirations. *even ngantuk

Being here… I feel that there’s something awaits me. Something good. Something I love.

Intuition? Or.. just bare caffeine hyped-up syndrome?



A young lady in the rain

*title yg sgt xleh blah. 
Eventho I like nasi lemak so much, I still can’t eat it everyday. Always terrified of the atherosclerosis thing. (…and unwanted bulgings too :P) nobody’s taking care of our body when we’re alone. You can make the differences. *oke, da mula sound mcm iklan.


Ok, that’s the mukaddimah for today.

Hari ni hujan. Bangun subuh je dah hujan. Terus terang jela, mmg liat nak bangun. Tp..keje ttp keje kan?

Sadly, xsempat nak bfast. Wuu..lapar.. smpat mnum Nescafe je secawan.

Sekarang kat office. Perut dah mula bunyi2. sempat la jgk beli bihun goring sebungkus. Untuk lunch.

As I said before, kos sara hidup kt cni kan mahal. In addition (cewah..), org yg dpt placement lewat mcm sy ni..berkemungkinan besar utk dpt elaun on next 30. 30th April I’m saying. So.. satu bulan lagi kot.

Kena ikat perut?

Sebenarnye xdela sebegitu skali. Mom n dad suh bgtaw je kalo xckup duit. But..seriously, I’m 22.. n smmgnye sejak azali lg xske nk mintak2. Malu. Xckup pn ckp ckup je.. dah besar kot, pandai2 la hidup. Cuba sdaya upaya tak bergantung to parent.

Eh..serius plk jadinye.. chill2..

Berbalik kepada cerita td.. perut berbunyi. Dan..oke, berbunyi lg. =.=” len kali kna makan jgk roti ke hape..kan? kalo nisa taw xbfast, mmg dy marah. (ele.. kdg2 dy pn mkn mende merepek jgk utk bfast :P)

N btaw.. hari ni dah la lambat sket.. smpai stesen, berduyun plk org kt mesin token tuh. Halemak.. beratur jela. Dah la dengan payung sesame street nye. Tsk. Sy tak teringat la plk nak bwk payung ke KL nih.. Thankfully, ade payung kt umah tuh. Bukak2…gambar elmo, big bird and..err.. cookie monster??


Homai.. really young spirit lah sy today. Yela.. ari ni kan hari jumaat. Boleh pakai smart casual. Boleh pakai jeans..t-shirt..sneakers.

So..I’m wearing jeans, n brown t-shirt with stripey sleeve.. black tudung bawal.. with my handsome black sneakers. Pakai pulak beg galas. Bawak pulak payung katun2. seriously, not really an-already-working person look rite?

Haha.. nk bwat cmne. Dah mmg eden ni muda lg. ofkoslah jiwa muda jgk..lalala. bwat pe nk sibuk2 to look like people yg lagi senior kalo dah kite mmg muda lagi? Kemon2~~

#we are young~~ we run free~~

Erk.. ok, da mula merepek. Dengan slamber nye update blog kt office. Bos’ not comin’ yet. Besides..sume keje da siap.. huhu… ape mau buat?

p/s: turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90 turun la lg harga wahai d90

people said, ape2 yg kte ckp adelah doa kan? jum sebut byk2 kali! :D

Thursday, March 29, 2012 0 comments

Had-to reconstruction

Seriously, I have no intentions at all to reconstruct this blog.
but..yesterday..or, the day before yesterday..
I am shocked to see the all-black-with-'tanda seru'-marks background when I try to tgk2 my blog..

perhaps the owner already remove the template I'm using.
what to do..
terpaksa la cari template baru.

see.. skrg byk mnda dah hilang..
link to all friends blogs pon da ilang..
then nak kena edit html jgk sikit2 kat mana yg patut..

minat je xplore html thing tu.. tp, tula..leceh sket..
org dah 'berkerjaya' ni..
sedikit malas la nk bwat mnde leceh2 nih

so.. terjumpe la template ni.
ok la jgk..
cuz I like simple ones..
yg mcm ala2 notebook, diary gtu sukela..

this one seems a bit more mature than the previous one I think..

janji dah xdek all-black-with-'tanda seru'-marks background tu..huhu

oke, since dah termenulis nih.. smbung jela terus..

baru2 ni..actually, baru smlm kot.. kuar berita ada org kena mercun kat stesen lrt sri rampai.

yg xleh blah nye.. kne kat tandas kot.
ade org letak tndas kt mangkuk tandas tu..
apeke beng*ng nye sape2 jua yg bwat cmtuh

kesian.. org tu cedera.. darah2 lagi..
erk.. sy xdek la kat ctu..
cume ble jadik pengguna LRT ni, jadi super alert la..

siyes xpaham motif ape.
letak mercun gtu.
sick people I tell you.

oh ye.. baru2 ni jgk.. time pegi pasar mlm..
sy dgn yakinnye merasa yg si cantik safiyya lalu sebelah saye..
sape safiyya?
erm.. cmne eh..
dy ni.. sister to my junior, fren to my frens (sbpik's kuantanese)..n model mjlh dara..
xpenah pn jmpe.. tp ade la jgk tegur..komen2 kt fesbuk gtu..

ala.. dy la yg tlg sy dptkan free lens dulu tuu..
nice n sweet looking :)

wahh.. xlame duk KL ni, mesti ade jumpe sape2 yg femes kan?
kekeke.. I like2

oke, cerita 2..
sy skrg sdg jatuh cinta ngan d90.
kerana hasutan nikonian lah ni

masalahnye..mahal kot..
dh la target bln april nk ade sebijik kan?

running out of time!!
duit baru 1K nih..
nmpknye mmg kompem nk kena bwat loan ngan my tabung haji saving. hahaha

alaa... nnti topup balik laa..
xpela beli mahal sikit..
janji puas hati..
n lens pn bleh zoom jauh2..

*oke, smgt nk membeli smakin membara!

ehh.. dah2 la tu.. post je nk pjg2.. lenguh nak bace balik.=.="
kla, ciao dulu.. ade sikit lg html nk kena edit nih..huhu

Monday, March 26, 2012 0 comments

City life: Day 10


srott.. srott..
ok, truthfully, sy selesema. hidung rasa mcm paip dah. =.=
demam..alhamdulillah..makin ok kot. 2-3 hari je demam. selesema..baru start smlm kot.
batuk pn dah makin kurang.

apepun.. alhamdulillah.

xle nk merungut sgt la.. sbb taw sy mmg byk dosa. as hukuman sy trime. as kifarah dosa pn..lg sy trima.
cuma.. smoge cukup kuat la nk harung smua.

hari ni.. da masuk 10 hari sy di ibu kota nih.
dan..6 hari berpraktikal.

ni la permandangan dari balkoni umah~~*apartment I mean* cantik kan? boley laa.. adenya LRT kasi effect city lifestyle =.="

and this is my tempat keje.. heuheu. station sy kt 2nd floor.

di waktu senja. siyes lawa kan? xedit pn rsnye yg nih.. huhu

ok ke?

hm.. ok je. ade la xbyk sgt pn.
kena buat poster untuk next world water day..kat penang. 7hb nih.
maybe.. maybe akan ke sana jgk.
*weee~~ salu busy, sy nk discuss ngan dy pn pyh.

ble keje da siap.. xtaw dh nk bwat ape..
nk main fesbuk or twitter pn.. xbest.
staff len lalu lalang kt blkg.


slain drp poster tu.. ade jgk kena bwat concept paper..
nk propose research to UMT..
psl setiu wetland.
and 3 conservation fishes.

kne bwat listing utk last year's proceeding.

beriya nak lari dari mengadap journal..
xpasal2..practical pn kne mengadap mnde tuh.
bab references plk tuh..

at least xde la jauh bebeno tinggal bnda tu.
fresh lg la kot.
okla..mgkin kena Refresh sket lg.


tp kan siyes x selesa td. campur ngan sakit kepala lagi. aduh.. 

sedih x....?
u're alone kat umah.
practical pn alone lg stkt nih.. sbb staff len duk jauh.. lgpn rmai chinese n indian..
yg anehnye..chinese n indian cam ok je..
Malay cam sombong sket.

then.. sakit2 pn..alone jgk.
buat2 gagah jela..
lgpn..mmg cmni pn kan sblm2 ni?
bknnye nk tnjuk sgt kalo sakit.
huhu.. kepala level atas la kot.
bergenang air mata tahan.
*ceh..bkn tahan sakit mana pn kot. tahan bersin kan?? :P

ala.. tahan bersin pn, smpai kuar air mata..xke sedih tu.

nk cter kt sape pn..terbatas..
takat chat fesbuk..msg.

huhu.. xde real person nak manja2.
kalo la ade Nisa.. mesti dari A to Z kot beliau nk jage.
*oke, da start nk rindu-rinduan

member kt cni mmg la ade. tp..plg dkat pon, kat hillpark sana la.
as I said nk nk susahkan dorg.. mls nk bwat dorg rs bersalah kalo xleh tlg. dorg pon busy kot.

hari ni sy da beli panadol soluble.
smlm beli panadol saje.
xbajet la plk nk selesema beriya.

*jeling tepi laptop. jeling pada roti john.

oh ye.. hari ni kan isnin..
ade psr mlm. kt cni pasar mlm hari jumaat n isnin.
g la jgk beli some stuff..
xlarat eh nk masak.

then..ade la jgk beli tudung aidijuma tuh.
xtaw la norjuma pnya ke sape..
tp gtu lah paternnye.
bawal kosong. 2 tone.
2tone n 1tone same hrga. so, sy amik la 2-tone.. ade la style sket.
berkenan yg kaler hijau gelap tuh.. tp nnti same la plk ngan tikah.
xbleh2 :P

oh ye..lupe nk cter..
so, last friday.. sy kuar dinner ngan bebudak sbp tuh!
yey! xtaw la nk ckp hepi cmne ble nmpk dorg. ahah..
kesian. kesepian gile.
yg ade.. tikah, fifi n laila.
nisa xdek..sbb beliau balik sepang.
 *tengs tikah sbb blanje! ;)
smpt la jgk dorg singgah umah nih.

then.. semalam..
hari ahad.. kuar ngan zana n hajar..
member gems.
zana tuh my rumate kt msr.
hepi gile kot. wuwuwuww

so, they bwk sy g bangsar south. 
tp weols bkn taw sgt pn ape bnda ade kt bgsar south tuh.
so..awalnye..bajet bangsar south kat oldtown coffee tuh.
pdhal ctu bkn ade mnde pon..
so..jalannnn kaki ke other bangsar south.
jauh sket la..huhu
seb baik dh petang, xde la panas sgt.

kat ctu ade la carrefour (ikot korg la nk sebut cmne2 pon..huhu)
so..brjaya la sy beli brg2 dapur sket.
makanya, xdpt la nk balik jln kaki kan. brg byk.
so weols naik la teksi.
heuheu.. here very costy. huhu..
nk saving cmne la gni.. huhu

*oh dslr~~~
xkan nk tangguh kot? huhu.. target by april dah nk kena ada sebijik.
cmnenih cmne nih..

erk.. okla.. pjg plk bercerita.. huhu..
until next time. wish me sembuh cepat.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 6 comments

Placement: WWF!


Alhamdulillah..da taw placement ktne.
sy dpt kt WWF..kt PJ

ape tu?
oke.. WWF stands for World Wild Fund
nama melayu  Tabung Alam Malaysia

ala.. xpenah dgr ke?
apesal kite da penah dgr sjak skola rendah lg?
igt lg penah beli notepad...ade gmbr kangaroo..then kt blkg or..kt logo panda WWF tuh..

sng's an organization yg melindungi hak haiwan liar la..
position ape..xtaw lg..

it's a worldwide organization.
tu yg jd eksaited tuh..

tptptp.. yg jadik seram nye.........

1. me alone.. no other gems participant got there
2. confident i'll be the youngest
3. it's PJ. Duhh... never been there b4..huhu
4. house to stay (alhamdulillah da jumpe) tp..sorg gak duk ctu. haih
5. rujuk no.1

tak ke mcm mmg nak suh gile2 independent tuh??
bru ni smpt g sana tgk..
ms tu lunch break..
no malay kot!
erk..bkn racist..cme, kalo rmai sket malay xde la kekoks bebeno nnti..
yg ade time tuh..chinese, indians..omputes pn ade..huhu
thank god la SV malay..

tp siyes agak ngeri la ms mula2 smpai sana tuh.. haha.. nmpk lak omputeh duk lam pejabat tuh.. lg seramm.. haha.. but, no much to be worried at la.. bese la tu. great opportunity to meluaskan lg my network :)

stat 19hb nih.
umah kat Kerinchi.. ekceli..apartment. sdara nye..huhu.. alhamdulillah sgt2..
sbb mmg dah blur nk duk mana..

so..kt kerinchi tu..dkat la ngan lrt..
about 4 stops kot ke wwf tuh.
trun kt taman bahagia..then kna amik bas
jln kaki bleh je xtaw sgt jln..
tgk lam gps mcm xjauh mana pn..huhu..

siyes nebes n takut.
tp..siyes xcited.

jadi org KL la I nnti..hahahaha
yg penting..rmai member kt belah2 ctu.
st besar la hrpn nk berjumpe ngan dorg.

bkn member gems je..
member skola.. matrix
hoho.. me like

me like this.
tercampak ke sana is a very interesting adventure.
I'll try my best to apply what ever knowledge I have..
work sincerely..
Smoge still dpt kekalkan identiti as east coast girl.. or.. not culture shock. insyaAllah..

ouhh.. i like cabaran! fufufff

p/s: looking forward to find possible Mr Right. hahaha (nk cri cmne la kalo dh keje kt yg Malays pn scarce.. haih...)
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 2 comments

Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up

cam best plk lagu ni.

Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 0 comments

Socialisme n placement

cik kiah dtg nk berleter!


xdek ape.. just nk share sikit..ape yg sy dpt or..saksikan spnjg GEMS

hm.. kat sana, campur ngan ramai jenis org.
org luar tganu..n kelanatan..
even in my company pn ade je.. 

n.. got this one friend. lelaki la..
ehh... korg jgn nk pk pelik2..

tggu cik kiah nk abeskan cter dulu..

so.. he's from johor.
big guy la..ahaks..

mule2..mcm.. annoying lah jgk perangainye..
later.. jadik satu geng plk.
skali ngan si reen.
geng bergosip!

dorg la..start gosipkan I ngan si CEO..pdhal xdek pape pon..
ble dh salu kne usik gtu..jadik rapat la ngan bdk2 nih..

then.. one day.. he told me..
"kau ni baik sgt la.."

err.. excuse me??

hm.. seriously.. xrasa baik pn.
bese je.
cuma.. menjaga la jgk skit2

he asked..
'penah kuar mlm x? lebih pkul 12..?'
I said.." ade la skali dua.. rmai2. huhu.. tp mmg dah xsedap ati la.. "


he told me.. masa dy kat uniKL rituh.. bese je kuar mlm smpai xbalik.
karok ke hape ke..

hm.. not me lah kalu begitu. hewhew..

he asked me ..'penah tak amik gmbr ngan lelaki..berdua?' sbb sy salu mengelak nk amik gmbr same2.. even ngan mane2 guys la..
I said.. jrg sgt la..dlm skali 2 gtu je kot.. huhu.. takot bakal suami nnti marah.. heeee

siyes..beliau dgn muka tak percaya beliau ituh.

err... bkn nk sell diri sendiri ke hape nih.
I believe, rmai je lg yg jenis xbersosial seperti itu kan?

so.. I got la sikit the picture of people yg ske bersosial nih..
huhu.. kite ni, kwn ngan yg same spesis..
yg bkn kaki kuar mlm ke..ape..

so.. erm..
ntah la nk ckp pe.


one more thing...

sedih jgk sbnrnye..
seeing my dear newly made friends..
bertepuk tampar between girls n boys

I shud've tegur
(believe me, ade time2 mmg I tegur direct je.. huuu.. hangin jgk kdg2.. lg2 kalu kena time tgh xde or bad mood)

kalo la dpt placement belah2 selangor or kl ke..
cmno laa

bkn xsuke..
nk je dpt belah sana..
dpt new exposure..
blaja culture baru..
dgn harapan.. xdek r terpengaruh ngan mnde2 xelok.

I know my limits.
I still know..that ape2 yg I bwat, consequences nye..pd my parent jgk..
I love them..
so.. I won't do anything reckless.

lgpn.. nk g KL.. sbb rmai member kt sana..
mcm si fifi comel..nisa..tikah..
n.. anyone lah..


apepun.. dpt kt mane2 pn.. smoge kerjanye best!
biar dpt apply sume yg dipelajari~

okies.. daaa

p/s: hee.. duit da ckup separuh nk beli dslr! aci x nk mtk ayah sponsor lg sparuh?? heeeee
tp..dilemma ke nikon.. ohmy
Sunday, March 4, 2012 0 comments

I heart you GEMS!

ok i try sambung balik ape yg i nk ckp.
first of all.. i rs i akan byk guna 'i'
da terbiasa masa GEMS..
so.. hrp paham lah ye.. 
bkn nk menggedik pon..

ok.. i nk cter psl gems smenanye..
for sure.. akan menjadi amatlah pjg akan cerita itu.
briefly jela ea..


pasaipa i ckp cmtuh?

ok..kat GEMS i didedahkan ngan mcm2 ilmu..
pasal business n corporate world.
I made lots of new friends yg inshaAllah I takkan lupa smpai bila2..

aktiviti like projects n so on pon best..
tp..ape yg I plg ske..

siyes.. baru 2 hari berpisah dah rindu gilegilegile!
hari2 duk tgk gmbr kt sana..
duk komen mengomen kt fesbuk..

petang2..slalu je kuar main bola ke..
beach soccer yg xtahannye..
bola selipar.. hee.. cam bdk2 plk rsnye..
paling kurang..mengendap bdk laki maen volleyball dr bilik. wakaka..

gosip sana sini..
layan keletah masing2..

xtaw nk ckp cmne dah perasaan seronok tuh cmne..

kalo nk cter dari mula2 masuk smpai closing ceremony tu.. rsnye..xckup satu mlm kot..

hopefully theyols berjaya mengejar cita2..

oh ye.. i xdpt lg placement..
majority dpt kt UMT n KIST group.

i ni..sgja mention xnak dlm tganu arituh..
so... on hold lah dulunye..

seriously missing them so badly.


p/s: smpt la jgk minat org itu org ini. well org 1minat... smart la, tp taw2 dh berpunya. ok, out of list. 2nd person, tough.. but then ade yg lg cepat.. so, xsmpt lah i nk mengusha lebih2..(tp i hear he said that..'eh, zarin tu ok la.. comel gak eh' haha.. kembang kejap..but..too late oredi..huhu) then..xtaw dh nk minat sbb boleh plk ade 2 org mangkuk ayun tuh duk gossip ngan ceo..tmbh lg ngan rumors yg i, minat la jgk sket2. minat ke? ntah.. lah jgknye.. hew2.. (but later xcare mane dah sbb 2-2 mmg mcm sengal jgk) at the same time minat sorg lg mamat tuh. suke tgk je.. cmne nk ckp ea. minat tp xnak usha pon. haha.. bleh plk kann... so, skrg dh abes gems.. dh xde minat kt sape2 dah.. haha... cter psl mamat yg last tuh pon lucu gak.. tp.. mls la plk nk cter. korg nk dgr jgk ke? 

er.. merapu mmg xpendek.

singgah satt


ye saya tau, lama gila saya tak update. huhuks.
dan banyak gila sebenarnya yang saya nak cerita..
sekarang tak cukup masa lah pulak.
malam ni ada dinner ngan 2 pupu umi.
datang dari perak.
anak beliau dapat uitm dungun ni.

er.. saya ciao dulu yek.

rindu gila kat budak2 GEMS!
ye.. sampai gila!

