Sejak bekerja dan twitter pon slalu jd tempat luahan rasa, blog tinggal menyepi gtu je. Ape punya tuan lah diri ini =.="
okeh2.. mana nak mula cter? semua? baik.. saya akan cerita semua. semua yang masih diingati. mana nak mula? erm.. campur2 jelah eh? mmg mls nk igt balik turutan ke hape.
well, kan pernah ckp psl I took my cousin's wedding pics.. here are some: summore, u can tune to my fb or flickr. not much.. still feeling lazy to do all the editing stuff.
then..what to tell? oh.. September is my luxurious month. gaji bln lepas sparuh dpt skali bulan nih. heh.. new rich gurl in town bebeh Haha.. tp sadly gaji masuk after offer airasia yg murah2 tuh abeh. kalau tak sempat jugak I rembat tiket to gold coast ke? tch..xpelah..kte fly to Singapore ajela. bought with my cousin. Backpack lah kononnye. Anticipate nih!
Both of and my couz Iqi sangat suka amik gambar. I have D5100 and she have 1100D. I guess dia pun baru beli tuh sbb previously kitorg salu je borak pasal amik gmbr lawa2 tp masa tu both of us mmg xde DSLR. So, SIngapore please wait for awesome pics from us!! *ceh
Nak upload jgk ke itinery? Tak payah la eh..lambat sangat lagi. NExt year, May tiketnye haa.. huhu
Oklah..cte len pulak.
Lately I had company in my house. well my sedara's house laa.. Nora selalu lepak here, sleep here mostly every night. So, not that forever alone lah. So..I found out that ghupenye both of us byk persamaan. *even dy bapaklah rajin nk berstylo kan* both of us suka stalk awek2 cun.. geng2 fashionista..make up. *pelik tak bile sy ckp sy suka make up? haha.. err.. saya suka akan make up, tapi sy tak suka keluar dgn make up. saya suka make term of know make up nih macam melukis pn ade. cuma yang beza you lukis dekat muka. oh yes, fyi...I suka melukis.* tapi Nora..... Nora memang suka make up. Dia zahirkan yang dia suka make up. But still, both of us suka make up.
Then.. we love gossip about pretty people. Mostly girls. Guys ade la tp sangat rare rasanya. Ghupe2nye jugak..both of us minat girls yang same. cam harem betul. =.=". hari2 gossip pasal dia kot.
rosak..rosak. wait. what's going on here?? minat girls? memang rosak. dah... nak minat lelaki sume dah berpunya. hampeh2..:P
tapi.. I think I am deeply intoxicated with the girl we've been talking about. Since that girl pretty rich, getting all things she wanted. kan dah kerja. duit bukan lagi masalah. LOL. *over* haha..takdela..previously kan I always hold back sis sorg yang besar belanjanya. So, I kesian kat my dad nak demand mende mahal2. So skrg, it's payback tyme!
Memang boros gila permulaan October. haha.. ala... give me a bit of pleasure la. nak jugak rasa life budak kaya macam mana. *uwekk*
Sebut pasal October. Oh October. Prestasi kerja menurun. Asyik dapat penalty (which we called CF) ade je yang tak kena. kerja pn tak bersemangat. Asek nak melepak je kerja. Tsk. KL life, begini eh?
Tak boleh jadi ni. i need a booster for my job. I need the feeling to be as lively as possible. Jawab call dengan betul. Tak tinggal prosedur. Suara tuh...kena lagi yakin.
*wuu... siyes I don;t think I'm good with works like this. Memang kurang keyakinan sejak kecik. Cakap asek nak hesitate. Bila ntah nak yakin. Siyes if I can, memang prefer kerja yang xperlu cakap banyak. Huu..harapkan gaji je jadi alasan untuk go on.
Ah... spoil mood cakap pasal kerja. Tidak patut kita share pasal kerja. ha.. ni lagi satu masalah. I seriously tak pandai nak asing hal kerja ngan peribadi. If I got stress, I couldn't handle my work as usual. And supposed I should never ckp psl kerja in public rite? Ah wutever, this is just me. I am that kind of person.
And.. cuti Raya Haji. Saya dpt 26-27. Alhamdulillah. Kali ni InsyaAllah takde nak tarik2. Tp masalahnye tiket tak beli lg. dah jadual keluar lmbt.. Dengar cerita tiket habis. I was like.......takde perasaan. huhu.
Kena survey tiket nih.
before that, nak bagitau..on 10/10/12 and today I went to Halfest 2012, held at PWTC. Pameran barang2 halal and so on. Ada artis. Tu I pergi jugak. Haha... duk KL nih, bru skali je jumpe artis. So, dengan sungguh2 pergi cari artis. *lol
lagipun kebetulan offday. So, why not kan? 10/10 tu xdek sapa sangat pn. ada Jaafar Onn and Chef Zam je. huhu. Tp masa tu xplan pn nk g Halfest. Mulanya nak kuar ke Times Square je, nak cari kasut. Haa... pasal kasut nih. MidValley dah pegi, Sogo pn dah tak jumpe yang berkenan. Nak cari flat.. tp sume macam terlalu flat. Jalan boleh rasa tar tuh. Grr.. So Finally jumpa jugak. Hoyeh! Harga considerable. Rupa flat tu masih ada. And..tapak tak nipis sangat, so tak la rasa sangat akan lantai itu. Dan..tapak dalam dia pun bukan macam jenis kain, which yg akan jadi kotor or berdaki dengan cepatnye. The material is macam licin sket so u can lap ajela if ade daki kat dalam.
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the not so flat Flat. finally. |
Alah.. taste kite simple2 je. takdek nak berextravaganza sangat pun.
Ok, back to the Halfest story. So yang masa 10/10 tu kre pergi tibe2 jela. tu pun tahu sbb ternmpk dalam Wanita Hari Ini masa tengah siap2 nak kuar. Then..arini mmg pelan betul2 nk pergi sebab taw Kamal Adli akan datang. hahahaha.....
Big fan? ahah.. takdeklah sangat. tp dia tu hensem kot. So.. yela, I still minat lg kalo lelaki hensem ok. hahaha.. bukannye wajib minat pompuan sahaja. isk.. Gua masih normal ok.
so... well, bak kate org.."let the pics speak.."
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like page ummi and anda dapat INI! |
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Ahad. Hectic gila |
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Ever heard the name buah Mahkota Dewa? Ni lah mndanya.. |
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Like, dan anda dapat cupcake and bookmarks~ |
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woh wohh.. I once joined the time they harvest the roselle masa kat UMT dulu. Bangge2! |
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Cute gila kan?? custom design chocs |
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workshop memasak Chef Zam and Kamal Adli |
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"I want you here Zarin" kata dia..harharhar |
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Mana tak hensem.. heshh. festaim acknowledge masa citer BioNik dulu..hohoh *nak |
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I actually hv a contact with him. in busyness, I quickly asked him.."Kamal, nak gambar..." and when he heard me saying Kamal, trus dy looked at me and angguk. Eye contact babe eye contact! *pengsan |
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Haih...bukan fancy sangat pon lipstic2 neh.. hrpkan sbb made in Turkey and produtc halal, so I suppsrt ajela. Brand Flormor |
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someon'e wedding going to be! pergh.. bwat kat PWTC kot. mesti orang kaya nih |
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ada pertandingan memasak. Ratu Memasak ke apentah namanya. Jaafar Onn and Chef Zam pengacaranya. Hui mulut Chef Zam...mmg xdek tapis2 dah. =.=" |
hehuhaaa...dah la. penat dah type. gambar tak load abeh pon lg neh. beta nak beradu dulu la. esok keja pkul 10, which means..plg lmbt pkul 8 dh kena bangun. *since tgh intoxicate ngan blog budak lawa yg I stalk tuh.. I pon nak ikot letak gmbr last lah. ala..skli je..bleh laa..bleh eh?? :P
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"euwh how to bite this thing..." - choc dipped strawberry and grapes |
(poyo gila nak tiru blog org hebat..tapi suka hati gua lah kan, blog gua.. grr)