Ni la dia gambar bulan yang saya ajak korang sume tgk td. bukan gmbr dia, cuma mcm ni la(curi kat google je ni)..can't take d pics coz kamera hp buat hal.
kat ostel dgr2 sume pakat tgk rmai2..
saya duk umah, tgk sorg2 je la...huhu

it's bird!
it's an aeroplane..
no! it's what we call halo.
Both the sun and moon have "halo" affects when there are clouds high enough in our atmosphere (like about 20,000 feet or so).
What happens is the clouds freeze in the cool temps and the light passing through them is diffracted (I think that's the right word) as it would if passing through a prism.
From your perspective on the ground, you'll see the light giving off in all directions equally, so it will look sort of like a rainbow circle around whatever the source is.