hm.. my sweet bestfren for life is sad. Why?
ni semua gara2 org yg terlebih caring pd dia. Geram ni..geram..
She's having a miserable life now. Ramai sgt yg suka dia. Caring.. kononnya. She's too soft to hurt anyone's feeling. She's too soft to let anybody down.
I don't envy her on this. I feel bad for her. She's just too innocent. Why those guys don't want to listen?
Aii..kalu la aku ni lelaki.. memang kena la mereka2 tu..huhu
Ingat seronok ke ramai admirers? Ingat seronok ke jadi fitnah gitu? Tlg la kesiankan dia..huhu..
If they're really caring for her...they shud respect her privacy. Give her room to breath. It's their caringness which hurts her.
I'm not soft as her. I speak it out lout..(write perhaps..?)
I don't like people keep on making her days sad, worrying about how to end those kind of stuff.
Ya Allah..lift up her spirit. Give her strength to face ur tests. I'll do anything to avoid her having the same thing I had. Please not..
Give her strength.. Give those guys a break from all this...
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smg kwan awk ni slalu kuat=(
ameen..doakan ye =)
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