apa rasanya..
bila org yg diminati minat kt besfriend kite?
ataupun.. org yg bff kite minat, minat kat kite?
satu kondisi sukar gak tuh.
hurm.. xde papelaa..
just terfikir..
hurmm..(masih juga berfikir)
some people ble rs curiga ngan partner, mula la buat andaian mcm2.
terlalu byk what if.. cthnya..
what if he likes her?
what if he no longer likes me?
what if he hates me..?
what if..we're not destined together... n mcm2 lg lah what ifnya..
ekceli.. most of the what if tu...sbnrnya xberlaku pun.
too much expectations tu la yg menimbulkan sgala mcm konflik.
level of kepercayaan mengalami steep decrease..
(apehal ckp psl kepercayaan plk ney..)
ntah.. seyes, xtau knape rs nk ckp psl ney. xde apa2 pn yg memberi kesan berlaku hari ni.
everything's fine..
hee.. sy pn xtaw la dh melalu hape ni. huhu..
kesimpulannya.. jgn byk sgt buat andaian sendiri..
jika berlaku salah faham..atau ada yg x clear, tnya je terus org yg berkenaan. jgn nk predict mcm2..
ni bkn ckp utk yg kapel je..
n I'm not saying that I support kapel2 stuff..
even sometime boleh jg rs sedikit sbyk jeles..
urm.. I hv my stances,
what I'm tryin to say.. this kind of thing bleh berlaku antara sesiapa pn..
ngan kwn ke..parent ke..adik bradik ke...
sape2 jela..
(knapa rs makin lost je nih? uhu..)
eishh..pndai2 la korg digest ape sy tulis ney..
berterabur isi..
p/s: boys with short hair oways hensem. hensemer than yg long hair. they seems smart n tidy..n smart.and.. seems strong :P
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