Monday, March 21, 2011

random 2


jenguk blog kejap.. hmm.. xtaw la nk tulis ape..
sy tulis jela secara random..

sejak seminggu-2minggu ni.. rumateku ada bercerita pasal kawen.
but, I didn't react like i oways do..

they talked about it, and I just pretend I didn't hear..
actually I was focusing to my thesis corrections.

I was not excited at all.

in fact, I feel like running away.
it's not that I hate talking about it.

hm.. I was once so excited about such stuff. I did pay attention. u can say.. slowly preparing.
but myb I was just so young to think deeply about it.
ends up.. well... not quite like what I expected.

so, some kind of allergic to that 'issue'

when I went back home.....


patot r beberapa minggu yg lepas, weekend je Abah tnye..xbalik ke.. rupanya ada pagar baru! tgh proses cat-mengecat..haha... lawa2.. pagar sebelum ni pgr yg dawai tu je.. ala..yg plg koman tu kot.. huhu.. skrg da pagar batu! batu cmpur kayu lg.. hoho.. akhirnye.. next time sy upload gmbr. line slow ni..


I was talking about my lil bro's room.
he's 6 oredi, but still sleeps in my parent's room.
quite no longer proper lah kan.
ape kes.. sy kecik2 kt tadika dlu tido bilik sorg2 je..
xmacho la boy tdo bilik parent.. hehe

so, I was just considering to giv my room to him..
since my room is the smallest room..

boy's shudn't really like big rooms rite? aha..
I don't know..
I thought that my room is a more guy-like room.
besides, it's in d middle of d house.. xde la takot sgt kot izu nk tdo ctu..

so.. dad said it was a great idea. i can have the guests room.
slightly bigger n brighter.
but there's so many stuff in there.
actually.. it's a guest+store room.

hmm.. someday, the middle room, which is bigger that the guest+store room will be modified.
he said.. "that room serves a better purpose in the future.. for example.. when Yen gets married"

oh. I never heard my parent say anything related to it.
we never talk about it.
we never make joke about it.

so.. I was..kinda startled.
then I just acted cool.

just now, a friend of mine tagged me with a marriage related vid in the FB.
something to do with 4 wives.

*da tgk, xde pn betul wife.. analogi semata2 je. cuma bace je '4 wives', terus mcm fobia sket. hoho..

poligami, sharing?
hmm.. I really dislike sharing things I love with other people..

last time the one I like chooses somebody else..
I acted crazily.
 so, I can't imagine sharing someone I love, legally with other person.
oh, I'm not that selfish la.. I'll try..

i hope, if.. I can still serve my best as a wife.. as a mom.. alive.. please.. don't try to look for other woman.
I'll be extremely upset.

*tibe2 emo, air mata bergenang :(*

uh.. kata xske ckp psl ni, ckp jgk..

huu..terlayan perasaan kejap.. huhu

dah2 ckp psl len plk..

hm.. nk ckp pe lg..

skrg ni, masih ketiadaan mood utk siapkan thesis.
xde mood nk buat ape2..

I need strong will influencer..

actually, there's something bugging me..
please, jgn gelak ok.. huhu..

hmm.. kn skrg dh nk abes belajar..
lepas ni ape nk jd pn, xtaw lg..

ermm.. so, I will get less oppoturnity to hang out with my beloved friends..
to socialize..

ermm.. cud it be, I'll be harder for me to find my Mr Right?
yela.. sy ni.. kalo bkn kerana kerja, xdenya nk in contact ngan lelaki..

cop2.. kalo dlm dunia IT ni, lain laa..
sy ckp ke, borak ape2 ke.. bkn nmpk.. 

kalo depan2.. jd tunggul agaknya..

aigoo.. ottoke?


yela.. kite pn jeles gak tgk org berpasangan.
ele.. jgn tipu r.. mesti ade gak perasaan nk berpasangan tuh kan..

cuma.. I'm not that type to kapel2.. dating bersame selagi x officially tied.

huhu..*malu lg*
kwn lelaki ajak keluar pn, mcm2 bg alasan.
sy xckp la sy xnk kuar ngan lelaki.. mcm xcool je..haha *ade pulak*
kalo call pn.. hmm.. sorg je kot yg sy btul2 bleh borak lame2..

kwn lelaki xbyk pn. I pity them sometime.. yela, kwn apenye.. kuar mkn2 pn xnk.
sy pn xdela warak n alim sgt.. huhu

I just have d thought..
I really want to make my Mr Right feels special..
cthnye.. first guy sy kuar same2..
first guy sy bg betul2 nye present..
first guy who eat my cookings *kalo xsedap, nasib le.. huhu.. but I promise to do d best! really*

mcm tula lebih krgnye..
besides.. xleh gak kn keluar ske2 ati ngan bukan mahram..


ah, ape point sy cter ni pn xtaw la..
meleret2 plk..

I don't know what kind of guy he might be..
will he appreciate all this 'principles' I serve for him?

dunia ngan tsunaminye.. ngan earthquake.. bnjir..kemarau.. ade masa lg nk pk psl ni ye? huu..apela..


p/s: go yongseo!


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