the lagu yg paling correct for this moment is...
"Save Me"
by Remy Zero
the chorus especially.
save me from temptations.
for digital single-lens reflex camera
p/s: one of my ways to lesser the heat n the beat last nite is by downloading some photo editing softwares into my mobile phone. ohsum tahu takk!? bleh edit color, saturation, hue.. bleh bwat selective color..dah mcm photoshop dahh.. effect lg.. then ade software vintage cameras.. peh.. 6 vintage cameras tross.
DSLR, kau ade?? :P
nah amik!
by The Little Orange Box |
by Xolaroid 2000 |
by The Pinhole |
by The FudgeCan |
by Hipsteroku |
ni satu lg.. hasil software yg sy ckp bleh bwat selective color (dan bermcm2 lg effect ye :P), with photoshop-like function
fresh from phone derr.. xmen r nk transfer masuk lptop. then edit. then upload. |
again.. kau ade? hah? hah? hah?? :P
fyi, me phone is sony ericsson experia mini pro. taw model nih da ade nama baru.. SE Mango ke ape ntah. haha..xdek mahal2 pnya pon. ok, mhl la mampu milik r for student or..exstudent yg xbekerja lg nih. xdek nya ribu2.. dah keje kan aritu, dpt la dwet. boleh la beli.
lalala.. that's why it's a very good thing to invest into a phone with considerably great camera. with a bit of decent technology. ANDROID! hohohh
now I'm talking geek.
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