Maybe I dreamed too much.
Dear blog.. Sincerely what’s mentioned in the movie “Into the Wild” is plain true.
“Happiness only real when shared”
Not saying I’m not happy now. I wish I could tell you everything... but everyone got stories meant to be kept alone. Secrets.
I wish you know.. that I am a bit depressed. Not about the workings. Not really about staying alone. It’s about what I did last week. I don’t even want to recall about it. Don’t ask me. Please. I’ve had enough. I did feel like this once.. when I broke up with my 1st love. Yes, this is as bitter as that. I don’t know if I’m really okay.. or just pretend like one. Life must go on, I can’t keep thinking or regretting about it all the time.
But I can’t help to cry seeing the dreams I so want to have before my eyes. It was a torture. Tremendous one.
And…to make it worse, it happens everyday.
Dear blog.. if only you know……
I know saying stuff won’t undo the past. Lot’s of ‘if only’s too won’t undo the past.
I just… don’t know what to say.. I just want to let you know how I feel right now. Because..I don’t really have somebody near real.. to talk to.
It’s not that sweet n encouraging to keep on saying “Yes I can do this! There are lots of people less fortunate than me. This is nothing” everyday to myself…. alone.
I’m admitting that I’m just as other people too. There are times when I can be as bright as I can..or keep on motivated and positive most of the times. But..there are also times when I am in the weakest state. I’m just a human. Even superheroes got depressed at times, don’t they?
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