Hi! Perghhh lama gila x update blog. Sibuk and byk sgt bnda tertangguh n dah tercerita kat orang. Sekarang dh kurang berahsia, so citer kat awek2 je terus.
So, why now? Haa.. xdek event besar pun nak diceritakan. Life's ok. Busy here and there, mengejar status outstanding so that I can leave rich. Haha. Melancong? Tak sempat la nak usha.. usha pn, cuti bukan depa nak approve. Buat sakit hati je request. You know la how I don't like rejections. I have lots of leave allocations left, tiap kali aku nak plot, time tu la depa reject. Reject je keje. Hish
Ah.. kite singgah ni bkn nak cite psl keje. Sorry2.
So.. how's everyone? Haha.. aku cakap ngan sape neh.. =.=" bersawang macam nu, aa ke orang sudi nak bace?
Urm.. cmni. Skang kite tgh main satu game ni. (Game ke?)
Urmm..ish, cam segan pulak nak cerita.
Urm.. camni.. kat ofis, bese la kan.. boring kalo keje je all the time. And sometimes duk ngusha handsome guys and pretty girls. So, like me..yg mmg currently xdek commitment with anyone, I usha sbyk yg boleh la. Hahaha.. eye candy je pon. Kite ni pasif bab2 mengorat, tgk dari jauh jela. Haha.
So i sort of have this list, guy number 1-4 since early days i work there. One after one removed themselves from the list, except num 1.
I like looking at him. From afar la, of course. Dia team lain, so..lagi kurang la peluang nak terbercakap dgn dia. Handsome la to me. But seems a bit arrogant. Jalan mmg tak engok orang. Tp bila dia senyum to his friends, hai manisnyaa.. hahaha
I notice dia mmg xbercakap ngan orang dia tak kenal, i lain, or yg mcm xdek kaitan dengan dia. So, harapan laa nk terbercakap ngan dia.
So me and my dear girlfriends, we gossip a lot about guys at the office. Lately they keep pushing me to get to know him. Duhh.. aku nak approach mcm mana guy mcm tu. Nak bwat2 bertembung pun pyh, since dia xtgk org. Lagi la nk accidentally tersenyum..or bercakap.
Until, one of my girls nak jadi org tgh, since she quie rapat to his friend.
Push punya push, so now he knows that I'd like to be friends with him. Mak aih.. ni bkn aku cmni..huaaaahhhh..sungguh bukan aku la nak mula dulu.
But he says he's ok to be friends and all. Skang pun dh berani tegur depan2..
Tp yg aku rasa comel.. bila around our friends yg jd irg tengah, ok je bertegur..ckp balik naik ape and all..
Tp bile only me and him yg bertembung, we smiled awkwardly and blah. Haha.. keras xtaw nak ckp ape. Hahaha.. aku malu la wei, sbb in this situation its me who like him and approach him. And i am not even a daring kind if girl on. Ni semua sbb depa ni la duk push sgt. Oh what have i become?'s he thing yg bothering me right now. Ak kan dh lama tak feeling2 cmni.. years n years ago. I am afraid if he thinks i am too pushy. (Tp...kitorg bru skali dua je pon bertegur..tak sempat pn nak trasa pushy..haha).. or adakah dia pk ak ni gedik sgt nk kenal dia. Oh peliss laa.. if he does think dat way, i'll stop thinking ahout him right away. Haha.
So now he has my num, i have his. Well i have his long tome ago, got from the staff list. Secretly.
So now... (brp kali byk so ntah) aku ke yg nak mula wassap dia? Nak tego kat email pon, ketar jari nk press enter.. usahkan nk wasap.
But.. the way he's not being the one who initiates makes me think.. am I the only one playing in this game? Malu wei paham tak.. eurghh..
This fancy thing makes me weak. Being bothered by a stranger guy, wondering when will he wassap me, what does he feel about me and all.. eurghh.. knape nak sibuk pk psl sume ni? Better pikir nak lepak mana ngan grilfriends, possible travel trips ke ape.
Haha.. nak je hide post ni, tp sape je pn yg bace.. so, buat tak taw jela. Tgk la nnti jd cmne. Lets be strong in stealth mode. Maintain macho broo! Dont lose your ego yet. Muahahaaha.. jgn pk byk sgt, korg bknnye ada ape2 pon. Still too early to buat mcm2 assumptions. Alrite?
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