Wednesday, August 17, 2011

merepek x sudah

cerita satu:

ya Allah.. apesal tempting sgt nk tekan buy now button time nk masuk subuh gni?

 arkkk! nk tdo, syg. jap lg je subuh.



p/s: my dad pn dah berbunyi nk beli hempon baru. so, hemponku ini nak campak mana??
better trade in ke jual? (sapela nak nokia c3 aku neh.........)

2nd p/s: byk kali sebut nak beli hempon bru. kenapekah?
ekceli.. hp skrg ok je lg. well functioning je. cuma, you know how much I love taking photos. if you don't.. let me tell you. I LUVVV taking photos. LOL.
so, nk la hp bercamera cantekk. c3 only got 2mp camera mehh. besides, nokia pnya camera xde lawa mcm sony. sony got better photo processor (cewahh..bunyi cam expert plaks..ngehehe) i can't bring my digital camera wif me all d time. especially kt tmpt keje..or mana2 jela. what if ade moment terbaekk punya n I miss d chance to shoot it? photographers (ok, sounds lebih2 plk.. actually, just someone yg ske amik gmbr la) kne get ready all d time. kan? plus, ble da dpt dwet sket ni, nafsu ni mula la plus2 jugak. haha


cerita 2:

lusa dah harinya?
hari ape?
hari jumpe kwn2 skolahh~

aiyo..xnmpk plk muka sorg2

tp... mlsnye nk kena jd fasi bagai


p/s: sebut2 psl fasi nih, tringat lak kt KIST@ imtiaz.
apeke citernye skrg. uhu.. alumni apekah aku ini?
tp..seems like dorg da menjayakan KMP4. alhamdulillah. junior je sume. batch akuh n upper batch dah total lepas tgn ke?
xde r rasa bersalah sgt akuh ciao kalu cmtuh. huhu

2nd p/s: oh ye, nnti che wan yg comel lote itu pom g jgop kot skolah. she shouted at my wall you! seb baik xpengsann. haha. she might not know ak sengih spjg hari kot sbb suke sgt. haha (ok, thats scary)
rs eksaited dh nk jeleskan mek tikah if sempat amek gmbr same2 ngan che wan (evil laugh XD)

zarin..., x baik mengusik org..ish2


cerite 3:

ari tu sue mtk buatkan baby booties satu pasang utk anak sdare dy.
tp, smpai sudah aku xbwat (apesal cenderung nk guna 'aku' time2 gni?? eishh. xsweet la wak)

busy satu hal. da lame x mengait, mood pn xmai2 lg. uhu.
nak mengait ni perlu byk masa free.

ofkos la ni bkn sy yg bwat. comel kan? ehe

oh.. bersalah.. bersalah..

p/s: suddenly I miss you a lot lah sue. tp, nak msg segan.. booties tu pnye psl la.. uhu..


cerita 4:

nk tulis psl Mr Right buley? ngeheehee

yes I do. n..where on earth are you?? :P

ei.. xsudah2 ngan Mr Right kau.

ske ati ak la nak merepek ape pun. belog aku kan??

cess.. merepek or ckp bnda sia2 di bulan ramadhan yg mulia ini. 'very gud' lah sangatt :P

ok fine. aku xtulis.

eleh. merajuk la pulak. geliss okeh.

dah.. kau ckp merepek sgt.

woot woot! kau yg mengaku dulu yg kau merepek kan??

ok fine. mls layan ko. bwekk :p

ak ckp je..

p/s: abaikan monolog dalaman di atas.


cerita 5:

wawah! watsons ckp nnti akan ade store renovation. seminggu! starting 12 September.
wawah. bermakna, cuti sakan la ak!
tp.. rsnya...cuti xbergaji tuh. huuu...

p/s: nak lepas trget komisen cmne la kalo sale seminggu takat RM3k je? oh resah gelisah kurasa....


eh... xpasan rupenye xpublish lg post nim. asek sgt stalking iklan hempon n fesbuk org (opss)

aiya.. byk plak word akuh wednesday kali nih.

last p/s: terremembered one old people saying.."he's a good man and you a good woman, so..why not?"


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