"I dislike disliking. but.. it's hard to like everything happened to us. same goes to how hard to make everyone like us. almost impossible."
"customers are always right, even they are wrong. hard to accept this sumtimes"
frens getting married. or at least, engaged. so..where's my mr right? why you're so hard to find...?
waiting you sumtimes makes me dipped a little in such unwanted-feelings condition.
still to early to say if I'm entering midlife crisis. so whats the problem?
I guess its something we call 'fitrah'. feeling to be love.
let me point out things I thought to be the problem.
1. I dislike getting to know strangers. especially those texting 'nak kenal' and so on by the phone. ntah mana dapat number phone ntah. kalo xnmpk muka neh, pyh sket nk percaya. tp, kalo nmpk pn, blom tntu bleh percaya. tch.. pyh la nk percaya kt org zmn skrg neh. uhu.. I think this is the real case. me and my kepayahan nk percaya kat orang. especially men. uhu..
2. me, mencari kesempurnaan? no way lah. nobody's perfect. as long I can get along with, okay la tu. me not perfect too kann.
3. sure enough sy sgt penyegan. tak percaya? ofkosla..kalo korg2 yg rapat ngan sy mmg mati pn xpercaya kot (ok, hyperbola). sy segan kalo ngan org yg sy xknal je. nak kenal, beribu2 kali segan lah. ngan lelaki, lagi2 lah jual mahal. salah ke? xkan nk jual murah kot. muahaha.. btw, rasa cam.. ntah. muda lg kot? then, rs xbest nk kenal2 kalo xde urusan penting. nak kenal lebih2 (you know what I mean), g jumpe mak ayah la..
4.mls nk bermsg2an. kedekut kredit la mslhnye tuhh. kann? ntah, bwat hape msg berjela2 kalo xde urusan penting. xminat betul, even kalo kwn2 yg htr msg pjg2. perasaannye dh mmg cmtuh. uhu..( cam lifeless je kan? huhu)
5. erm..ntah..
seriusli ak rs da mcm dlm cter beauty nad the briefcase tuh. you know what i mean if you tgk cter tuh.
penantian satu penyiksaan. bukan?
aishh...kepala byk diracuni perasaan@nafsu. kena lg sibukkan diri neh. uhu.
again with the ayat memujuk
"the right guy will come when the right time comes"
but, somehow I'm glad. sy tak mudah terjatuh cinta pd anyone.
yela.. sstgh org, baru putus da jumpe cinta baru..
like..whoaa! semudah tu je perasaan dorg berubah?
to me..mcm xbrp nak setia la plk..
lelaki, ayat je lebih. janji itu ini. kasi pompuan cair. sbb tu kena hati2 <-- kata akal.
nk doa to love once, pertama n terakhir.. mmg dah impossible la kan.
so, hopefully.. the one after this lasts forever. ckup la twice je. the first is a lesson.
a fail story ke? x jgk. ape2 yg berlaku ade sebab. at least, ak bljr something.
even I never like nor wish to love more than once.
I always thought I'm the type 'first love is the last'
guess God have better plans for me.
dah2.. ckp psl Mr right smpai sudah pn xabes. pikirkan bnda yg xclear, mmg cmtuh. yg xhappen lg plk tu.
dah r merepek. nk lupakan tension psl sorg customer td je sbnrnye. da ok sket kot after melalut neh. haha
p/s: more days passed by, the closer we are. be patient. :(
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