Thursday, August 25, 2011

someday.. u'll meet him. so, do not worry.

- self reminder -

kalo akuh tetibe rs alone n upset..

apesal ak solo lagi..

or risau.. 

bile laa nak jumpe Mr Right


jeles tgk psgn2 yg happily together-gether..

yg ade org tlg take care..

and do sweet things together..

aku kena refresh balik otak neh..
aku kan nak story cam kak che?
kenal kejap je, trus ikat.
don't worry la.. ade nya jodoh ngan someone2..

jumpe skrg pn, ape kau nk buat? bkn kau nk trus kawen pn kan?

baru 21 tahun kot.

seyes jeles tgk kak che n abg faiz tuh.
k.che da la mcm islamik n sopan gtuh. her entire family pn..
abg faiz nmpk cam gile2 sket. tp, ttp ngam ngan kak che n her family..

tak ke sweet tuh? ehee

it's good la yg abg faiz ske org cam kak che.
meaning, he's choosing not solely bcoz of beauty ke..hrta ke.. fame ke..

I think he chose her because of her faith.

(aiyo..kalo akuh jd lelaki pn, sure2 ak akan pilih calon isteri cam k.che. hee.. sejuk mata memandang)

aiyo, kau tuh cam k.che ke nak ade husb mcm a.faiz?


still got time (InshaAllah) to perbaiki diri..

but it's better this way bcoz I'm not going to behave or appear alim-looking because of any person.

 let people accept u d way u r.. so that u takkan penat I mean, terlalu berusaha nak puaskan hati any particular person. or a bunch of people.


Kelas Al Quran - Albaghdadi Bypass Kuantan said...

salam sahabat....the most crucial topic utk seorang bujang spt kita, setuju sgt bila zarin kata, bile sorang2, tengah sunyi, xlain x bukan perasaan ni akn hadir. Same goes to me, it happened.

Apapun, jom terus dan terus istiqamah utk jadi suri yg terbaik buat 'dia' insan yg kita tak tahu bila hadirnya tu dunia akhirat.

Kawen sile jemput ye ank encik mail!!!

Zaren said...

yeah..! perancangan Allah is always d best perancangan ever~ *ayat keling o.O

kawen lmbt g kott.. haha. rsnye anak cik zaleha dluu..keh3

Ayu Jannah said...

:) mmg perancangan Allah swt itu adalah yg terbaik...mcm kc dlu pon melalui apa yg zarin lalui...tertanya2 siapakah geranagn suami kc nnti...hehe..walapun ada prasaan utk mncari jodoh tu ada, tp kc pndam jer..smpai mama kc ckp pasal jdoh kc xnak dgr...kc ckap kat mama kc, kc xnk cari sape2..kalo mama nk kc kawin cpat, mama cari jer sape2...kc trima,,sbb niat kc mmg nk bcinta lepas mama kc nk kc jmpe insan yg btol2 kc suka...hehe..tup2..alhamdulillah, bila jodoh tu da smpai smua cepat jer blaku...:) nk citer kat org pn susah...bcoz it suddenly happened..:)

Zaren said...

pess.. ni yg bwat den lg hepi neh! I like sweet surprises cmtuh. ehe.. but different people, different story.. so, jeng3.. haha.

wait n see saje la takat neh. keh3

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