Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2 comments


Oh.. selamat hari raya semuaa!
di kesempatan ni, sy nk mohon maaf zahir n batin pd semua yg mengenali sy, khususnya peminat-peminat sy..
teruskan menyokong sy n me luv u ols oways yeaaa!

hahahaha. mengom sudaa. rs cam da penah tulis ucapan mengarut cmtuh raya lepas :P

kepala da tintong sbnrnye neh.. tp, igt nk stay up..siapkan report sale yg monthly punya.

xrasa la plk nk bercerita psl raya kali ni. huhu..

just dropping by to say..

at this ketika, sy cuma nak senyum je.


*harap mklum, beliau baru marathon 3 movie.. so, feeling da bercampur baur*

itu saja. sekian.

Thursday, August 25, 2011 4 comments

someday.. u'll meet him. so, do not worry.

- self reminder -

kalo akuh tetibe rs alone n upset..

apesal ak solo lagi..

or risau.. 

bile laa nak jumpe Mr Right


jeles tgk psgn2 yg happily together-gether..

yg ade org tlg take care..

and do sweet things together..

aku kena refresh balik otak neh..
aku kan nak story cam kak che?
kenal kejap je, trus ikat.
don't worry la.. ade nya jodoh ngan someone2..

jumpe skrg pn, ape kau nk buat? bkn kau nk trus kawen pn kan?

baru 21 tahun kot.

seyes jeles tgk kak che n abg faiz tuh.
k.che da la mcm islamik n sopan gtuh. her entire family pn..
abg faiz nmpk cam gile2 sket. tp, ttp ngam ngan kak che n her family..

tak ke sweet tuh? ehee

it's good la yg abg faiz ske org cam kak che.
meaning, he's choosing not solely bcoz of beauty ke..hrta ke.. fame ke..

I think he chose her because of her faith.

(aiyo..kalo akuh jd lelaki pn, sure2 ak akan pilih calon isteri cam k.che. hee.. sejuk mata memandang)

aiyo, kau tuh cam k.che ke nak ade husb mcm a.faiz?


still got time (InshaAllah) to perbaiki diri..

but it's better this way bcoz I'm not going to behave or appear alim-looking because of any person.

 let people accept u d way u r.. so that u takkan penat I mean, terlalu berusaha nak puaskan hati any particular person. or a bunch of people.



yeah! item shipped out oredi.

*sengih tak hengat!*
smoge smpai b4 raye!

I was thinking about benti keje.
 yelah, keje sbb nk cri pglmn je pn.
hal duit.. no 2.

so, timbulla persoalan..why nk brenti?

hmm.. I hv plans in my head.
plans yg mana tak terjalan bile most of my time berada kt watsons tuh.
xmo la cter lg.. nnti byk komen lak. haha

bilik..n..rumah ni.. ya Allah, xtaw nk ckp ape.
hanyar kubang org tganu kate.
konfius, ni bilik lelaki ke pompuan.
nk kemas pn smpt sgt je sbnrnye pagi b4 g keje..
tp maklum saje laa.. slagi x pkul 9, xbgun.
ble dah pkul 9, terpacak dpn laptop.
kejadah btul..
rumah pn xterkemas.
ntah ble nk tukar lgsir..nk lap itu ini..
mcm2 lah..

hm.. then, kdg2 rase gak cam nk try bwat kuih raye.
member2 da mula asah bakat bab2 memasak neh..
tercabar lah jgk..
kerna kerja ni jgk la xdapek den nak menerai-nerai.. haha

cuti raye lak 2 hari je.
komisen, sy rs mmg xsmpt nk kejar dahh..

ntah ble nk raye umah kwn2 cmnih.
apetah lg org yg nk dtg raye umah kite.. if ade laa..
(ayat sedih. haha)

sbb tu igt nk brenti.

tp sy ni jenis cpat kesian gak..
kesian la plk k.rieda nnti nk cri org..uhu..
da la tgh kalut ngan renovation wtsons n so on..




Wednesday, August 24, 2011 0 comments


sy sdg menunggu sesuatu nih.

tlg la abam posmen jgn stop lg deliver brg.

eksaited smpai rs cam nk heart attack dahh.


Monday, August 22, 2011 2 comments

dadali - di saat aku mencintaimu

sy taw lagu ni dh lame.
tp festaim dgr taon nih. mimi duk ulang2 lagu ni kt lappy dy time edit thesis.
best r jgk. bleh thn feel ah lagu ni..kui2

cume.. td watsons pasang lagu ni.
so..layan r kejap.

Mengapa kau pergi, Mengapa kau pergi
Di saat aku mulai mencintaimu,
berharap engkau jadi kekasih hatiku,
Malah kau pergi jauh dari hidupku,

Menyendiri lagi, Menyendiri lagi,
Di saat kau tinggalkan diriku pergi,
Tak pernah ada yang menhiasi hariku,
Di saat aku terbangun dari tidurku,

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencintai dirimu,
Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta…….

Menyendiri lagi, Menyendiri lagi,
Di saat kau tinggalkan diriku pergi,
Tak pernah ada yang menhiasi hariku,
Di saat aku terbangun dari tidurku,

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencintai dirimu,
Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta…….

Semoga engkau kan mengerti,, tentang perasaan ini
Maaf ku telah terbuai, akan indahnya cinta
Maaf sungguhku tak bisa, untuk kembali padamu
Maaf ku telah terbuai, akan indahnya cinta

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta,

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta,

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta..............
-lagu semata-mata-

p/s: sebaik lagu kuar taim kte da kuar dari..erm.. i can say tempoh berkabung. haha... kalo tak, mau berendam air mate tiap kali dgr lagu neh. cam lagu jgn pernah berubah by st21

cam lawak je. sempat gak ade moment2 separa tak betul cmtuh. huhu. apepun, gud lesson~ now I know more about myself..kan? like, to what extend I can go.. n so on lah.


reunion sbpik and etc~


siang td, sy sgt lah tidak bersemangat.

penat katenya.. well, sy kt cni bkn nak cter bab sy yg xbersemangat tuh. 


taw kan, smlm sy ada reunion kt skolah sbpik.
eksaited gile ok nk jumpe member2 skolah tu. seyes xpenah jumpe da after mlm perpisahan 2006 dulu.. uhu

meh sy cter meh..

pagi tu pas sahur, sy da xtdo. siapkan report stock balance.
sy smpt ag chattin ngan deena, si bakal pengantin (eksaited2!!)
sgt2 nk pegi kt mjlis akad nikahnye~

then.. siap pelan2 la..
sibuk roger meroger ngan qurok psl trip ke ktn sana.
nk gerak jam 8.15.
then ali ckp nk gerak same2 lak.
so, tggu r dorg. last2 gerak jam 9 gtu kot.

otw, ktorg amik dzilal n abby (junior) kt kerteh.

trip diteruskan. mcm2 diborakkan dlm kete tuh.

nk smpai ktn
ktorg melencong g jumpe deena dlu.
uhu..xsmpt nk jmpe time nikah.
tp yg bestnye..ktorg smpt lg stop dorg tepi jln.
nak gak jmpe cmne2 pn..

 wif bride of d day. yeah, kte amik berkat byk2. ehe.. hm, rs cam dh jauh dah dr husb dy. uhuu..
p/s: anda jage deena baek2. kalau takk...........

after dat, ktorg g singgah kt stesen myk petronas kjap.
dzilal nk tkr baju.
almklumla...dgr2 skolah xbg pkai jeans.. huhu

surprisingly terserempak ngan che wan fatin suhana!
wawah.. ekceli sy xpasan pn tu dy. 
cuma pasan la..ade kete mazda cun lalu kt tepi.
then dzilal ckp dy nmpk mak che wan. tgk balik, mmg che wan kt tepi tuh.

sy pom..ape lg.
haha..ade la jgk hjtnye nk jumpe si gadis cun neh.
org femes kan, kwn kte lak tuh.. hehe
nak jeleskan si tikah tu lg.. haha

puas kte tunggu kt tepi kete dy. tggu dy kuar.
da abes belakon da survey2 biskut raye kt tepi tuh.
nk bg surprise la konon. haha

che wan yg super duper comel! uhu.. cam xsopan je sbb xsmpt tegor mak dy. 
akuh salu bwat muke cmtuh. apesal haa? cam kerek je..uhuhu

smpat la jgk amik gmbr rmai2 ngan dy. ehe..
xpe la xjmpe kt skolah pon.. jnji jumpe gak kann.. like3!
segan kate beliau..
after da selesai jejak kasih kejap.. terserempak lah pule ngan nisa n shaf.
aik.. ckp nk jmpe kt len, bleh plk terjumpe kt ctu. haha

ironi sungguh~~

bergambar sudah smestinya.. wehee..
then ktorg gerak same2 ke skola. masuk utk tukar kete je. haha.. 

xsmpat nk dftr ape, ktorg da ciao cepat ke ecm.
salu dgr org sebut ecm neh, tp xpenah pegi.

sopin la sgt. qurok je yg berjaya bwk balik plastic bag verns. yg len tkg komen je lebih :P

byk gak perubahan kt bndar xsmpat nk explore abes..
pas g ecm dah pkul brp..
so, ktorg balik skolah dulu..jamak zohor n asar..

then.. ktorg melilau kejap kt skolah tu.
patotnye ms tu ada ldk yg ktorg kne in charge.
tp ktorg taiko.. haha.. dtg tnjuk muka je. haha.. amek gmbr sana sini. jumpe ckgu2..
nk join ldk pn xbest gak..sbb xtaw ape. slot ldk pn rsnye da nak abes kot time tuh.. huhu

smpt la jgk g lepak kt umah nisa...
nisa nk tkr baju n solat..
ktorg pn nak rest2 jgk..

then, pkul 6 lebih.. pegi skola again..
jumpe junior2 (which mebi mereka xigt pon sy kot. kte kan low profile je..huhu)

 wif few juniors. sy pn xsure da jarak form ktorg..ahaha

just b4 iftar~
qurok bwk muffin bluebery, vanilla n chocolate.
smpt rs yg blueberi tu je. uhu.. dah kyg sgt time tuh..
yg lela bwat pn xsmpt nk rs. dy bwat muffin kecik2 pnya. bluberi, pineapple n choc

mkn2 utk iftar pn sedap2 sume~ hehe
ktorg mulanya decide nk tdo sana n balik esoknya..
tp..qurok seems larat nk drive, kte ikot je la kan.. xbyk amik gmbr guna camera sndiri..
frust, gegar skit pn xbleh.. abes blur gmbr
so, sy just guna camera qurok n nisa.

dorg pkai canon, as far as I maen2 ngan camera neh.. canon seems hving better shock control.

camera neh, jual kangg..:(

camera hp pon bkn lawa.. mls nk bwk sana sini. uhu..

anyway, seyesli best. even batch ktog plg sikit. uhu..
sedih la jgk, sep2 klate kelas xbley dtg.. so, sape je la kan..

bdk pompuan just sy, qurok, dzilal, nisa, shaf n laila. tu je.
lelaki xpasan sgt sape yg dtg slain edie, ali, keyo n syed. dtg bkn nk tegor pom. kerek je. haha

inshaAllah, this will be yearly event.

smoge next time lg rmai yg dtg~~ wee

p/s: gmbr2 sume curik kt fesbuk org je. huhuhu
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 0 comments

merepek x sudah

cerita satu:

ya Allah.. apesal tempting sgt nk tekan buy now button time nk masuk subuh gni?

 arkkk! nk tdo, syg. jap lg je subuh.



p/s: my dad pn dah berbunyi nk beli hempon baru. so, hemponku ini nak campak mana??
better trade in ke jual? (sapela nak nokia c3 aku neh.........)

2nd p/s: byk kali sebut nak beli hempon bru. kenapekah?
ekceli.. hp skrg ok je lg. well functioning je. cuma, you know how much I love taking photos. if you don't.. let me tell you. I LUVVV taking photos. LOL.
so, nk la hp bercamera cantekk. c3 only got 2mp camera mehh. besides, nokia pnya camera xde lawa mcm sony. sony got better photo processor (cewahh..bunyi cam expert plaks..ngehehe) i can't bring my digital camera wif me all d time. especially kt tmpt keje..or mana2 jela. what if ade moment terbaekk punya n I miss d chance to shoot it? photographers (ok, sounds lebih2 plk.. actually, just someone yg ske amik gmbr la) kne get ready all d time. kan? plus, ble da dpt dwet sket ni, nafsu ni mula la plus2 jugak. haha


cerita 2:

lusa dah harinya?
hari ape?
hari jumpe kwn2 skolahh~

aiyo..xnmpk plk muka sorg2

tp... mlsnye nk kena jd fasi bagai


p/s: sebut2 psl fasi nih, tringat lak kt KIST@ imtiaz.
apeke citernye skrg. uhu.. alumni apekah aku ini?
tp..seems like dorg da menjayakan KMP4. alhamdulillah. junior je sume. batch akuh n upper batch dah total lepas tgn ke?
xde r rasa bersalah sgt akuh ciao kalu cmtuh. huhu

2nd p/s: oh ye, nnti che wan yg comel lote itu pom g jgop kot skolah. she shouted at my wall you! seb baik xpengsann. haha. she might not know ak sengih spjg hari kot sbb suke sgt. haha (ok, thats scary)
rs eksaited dh nk jeleskan mek tikah if sempat amek gmbr same2 ngan che wan (evil laugh XD)

zarin..., x baik mengusik org..ish2


cerite 3:

ari tu sue mtk buatkan baby booties satu pasang utk anak sdare dy.
tp, smpai sudah aku xbwat (apesal cenderung nk guna 'aku' time2 gni?? eishh. xsweet la wak)

busy satu hal. da lame x mengait, mood pn xmai2 lg. uhu.
nak mengait ni perlu byk masa free.

ofkos la ni bkn sy yg bwat. comel kan? ehe

oh.. bersalah.. bersalah..

p/s: suddenly I miss you a lot lah sue. tp, nak msg segan.. booties tu pnye psl la.. uhu..


cerita 4:

nk tulis psl Mr Right buley? ngeheehee

yes I do. n..where on earth are you?? :P

ei.. xsudah2 ngan Mr Right kau.

ske ati ak la nak merepek ape pun. belog aku kan??

cess.. merepek or ckp bnda sia2 di bulan ramadhan yg mulia ini. 'very gud' lah sangatt :P

ok fine. aku xtulis.

eleh. merajuk la pulak. geliss okeh.

dah.. kau ckp merepek sgt.

woot woot! kau yg mengaku dulu yg kau merepek kan??

ok fine. mls layan ko. bwekk :p

ak ckp je..

p/s: abaikan monolog dalaman di atas.


cerita 5:

wawah! watsons ckp nnti akan ade store renovation. seminggu! starting 12 September.
wawah. bermakna, cuti sakan la ak!
tp.. rsnya...cuti xbergaji tuh. huuu...

p/s: nak lepas trget komisen cmne la kalo sale seminggu takat RM3k je? oh resah gelisah kurasa....


eh... xpasan rupenye xpublish lg post nim. asek sgt stalking iklan hempon n fesbuk org (opss)

aiya.. byk plak word akuh wednesday kali nih.

last p/s: terremembered one old people saying.."he's a good man and you a good woman, so..why not?"

Monday, August 15, 2011 2 comments

insaflah makcik..or, whoever you are..

aiyoo.. sakit kepala xhilang2 lg.

makin sakit kepala pas bace belog cam haram neh

elok2 good mood, dah tensen2 balik.
eii.. sungguh la. nak mencaci.. xde mood. bln pose. cam x elok. bkn ske pon.

kite doakan smoga Allah bg petunjuk kt makcik tuh.
walau sape2 pun dy.

mental kot. kan? kesian. cam dah xde arah sgt nk caci2 tuhan n nabi..


ekceli sy nk ckp yg masa keje td.. sy ternampak satu akak tu. mata dy cantik teramat. kaler greyish hazel. mata betul ok. bkn lens. sy rs dy kacukan. tgk anak dy rmbut x hitam sgt. comel gila anak. husband dy bese2 je. ske btul tgk pure beauty nih.

tp..xsyok la nk bercerita time tensyen nih. uhu.. krg feel.

then.. ade la sorg customer yg len. akak tu mtk assist dy cari brg2. last2 dy cari simplysiti. sy tnjuk jela.
uih..bkn men laju dy kaut.
sy cam tergamam pn ye jgk skejap.

akak ni, bia betul. baru dpt gaji la agaknye.

dy jwb x. cuma husband dy dah nk pegi ke, kena cepat2 la. hehe

oh ic. mesti husband keje offshore neh. pess.. sronok betul dpt customer gni! ehe..
skali kaut, 5 barang trus.

i luv u lah akak!

satu perkara lg. sy ske sgt ble foreigner dtg wtsons. laju je sy g assist dorg, even bkn cari brg sy pon.
bleh pektis speaking. ehe.
but, nevesness makes me sounds ridiculous sometimes.

*ok, masih mood. k r, sy kena makan something kot nk bg hepi sket. uhu.

Sunday, August 14, 2011 2 comments


esok kerja: yosh2!! semangat2! even sale yg slow last week sdikit sbyk bikin gua upset.

sakit kepala: da brp hari. xtaw why. uhu :'(

sakit mata: alhamdulillah, getting better.

puasa: dah di pertengahan. amal? uhu..

photography: uwaa.. craving gile! sgt xberkesempatan. God giv me geng mengeshoot!

reunion: ekceli meeting alumni. sgt mengujakan! lame xjmpe member from sbpik tuh! sijil spm pn xamik lg taw, nk btaw betapa dah lame xg sana.. hrp2 rmai member satu batch yg hadir. bru syok~ :(

xperia: mini pro. dah jadi tab wajib harian tu. huu.. I really2 in love with it. in dilema nk tekan ke x je 'buy now' button tuh.. huhu

raya: mood bese2 je stkt neh. dah letak sket duit dlm angpow td. keh3
Mr Right: ari ni xde r over sgt terpikirkan Mr Right. seriously.. thank God~
p/s: smoge Mr Right is someone yg ske photography. leh r saling support-menyepport. haha

Saturday, August 13, 2011 0 comments

random thoughts at the moment

"I dislike disliking. but.. it's hard to like everything happened to us. same goes to how hard to make everyone like us. almost impossible."

"customers are always right, even they are wrong. hard to accept this sumtimes"

frens getting married. or at least, engaged. so..where's my mr right? why you're so hard to find...?
waiting you sumtimes makes me dipped a little in such unwanted-feelings condition.
still to early to say if I'm entering midlife crisis. so whats the problem?
I guess its something we call 'fitrah'. feeling to be love.

let me point out things I thought to be the problem.
1. I dislike getting to know strangers. especially those texting 'nak kenal' and so on by the phone. ntah mana dapat number phone ntah. kalo xnmpk muka neh, pyh sket nk percaya. tp, kalo nmpk pn, blom tntu bleh percaya. tch.. pyh la nk percaya kt org zmn skrg neh. uhu.. I think this is the real case. me and my kepayahan nk percaya kat orang. especially men. uhu..
2. me, mencari kesempurnaan? no way lah. nobody's perfect. as long I can get along with, okay la tu. me not perfect too kann.
3. sure enough sy sgt penyegan. tak percaya? ofkosla..kalo korg2 yg rapat ngan sy mmg mati pn xpercaya kot (ok, hyperbola). sy segan kalo ngan org yg sy xknal je. nak kenal, beribu2 kali segan lah. ngan lelaki, lagi2 lah jual mahal. salah ke? xkan nk jual murah kot. muahaha.. btw, rasa cam.. ntah. muda lg kot? then, rs xbest nk kenal2 kalo xde urusan penting. nak kenal lebih2 (you know what I mean), g jumpe mak ayah la.. nk bermsg2an. kedekut kredit la mslhnye tuhh. kann? ntah, bwat hape msg berjela2 kalo xde urusan penting. xminat betul, even kalo kwn2 yg htr msg pjg2. perasaannye dh mmg cmtuh. uhu..( cam lifeless je kan? huhu)
5. erm..ntah..

seriusli ak rs da mcm dlm cter beauty nad the briefcase tuh. you know what i mean if you tgk cter tuh.

penantian satu penyiksaan. bukan?

aishh...kepala byk diracuni perasaan@nafsu. kena lg sibukkan diri neh. uhu.

again with the ayat memujuk

"the right guy will come when the right time comes"

but, somehow I'm glad. sy tak mudah terjatuh cinta pd anyone.

yela.. sstgh org, baru putus da jumpe cinta baru..
like..whoaa! semudah tu je perasaan dorg berubah?
to me..mcm xbrp nak setia la plk.. 

lelaki, ayat je lebih. janji itu ini. kasi pompuan cair. sbb tu kena hati2 <-- kata akal.

nk doa to love once, pertama n terakhir.. mmg dah impossible la kan.
so, hopefully.. the one after this lasts forever. ckup la twice je. the first is a lesson.
a fail story ke? x jgk. ape2 yg berlaku ade sebab. at least, ak bljr something.
even I never like nor wish to love more than once.
I always thought I'm the type 'first love is the last'
guess God have better plans for me.

dah2.. ckp psl Mr right smpai sudah pn xabes. pikirkan bnda yg xclear, mmg cmtuh. yg xhappen lg plk tu.

dah r merepek. nk lupakan tension psl sorg customer td je sbnrnye. da ok sket kot after melalut neh. haha



p/s: more days passed by, the closer we are. be patient. :(

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 2 comments

no merely ordinary posts to me

at this very moment..

saje nk ckp..



ske.. teramat ske actually..

bila org post kt wall sy.

tak kesah la ape2 post pn.


dihargai.. least.. diingati..




Allah melimpahkan kerahmatan kpd awak2 semua, yakni kawan2 saye..

 p/s: when saye ckp cmni..bkn nk suh post, cuma..xtaw nk btaw sape..nk tulis kt mana.. how I really2 appreciate people remembering me. I can't keep this beautiful feeling to myself. sy mesti jgk express cmne2 cara pun. huhu

Monday, August 8, 2011 4 comments

duit raye?

tiba2 terpikir..

"kalo da keje cmni, kiranya dh xdpt duit raya ke nnti?"

oh.. nooooOOOOOOOOO


Sunday, August 7, 2011 2 comments

midnight mumbling

well, sy xle tdo.

berbuka air nescafe kot.

harus siapkan report sale cepat2.
tp tgn degil nk hapdate belog.
ottoke kan?

so.. nk bleber ape neh?

I don't remember telling you about my part time job. I didn't, did I?

so.. semenanye, sy skrg keje part time kt watsons.
as promoter simplysiti.
ahah. barang make up you.
gurly la plk makcik zarin skang neh.

kejenya xde la maha susah.
promote2 brg.
kemas plano.
tulis stock balance n sales report each week.
n x ketinggalan monthly sales report.

(ske jgop sbnonye keje kt ctu. ari2 try tester., sume brg ak yg punyaa..hahaha)

so, my gaji bkn dr watsons..but dari simplysiti.
my bos@supervisor sgt baik. namanye kak rieda.
skrg da nk masuk minggu ke 4 kot sy keje kt ctu.
other colleagues, mcm pekerja watsons pn ok. baik2 je sume.
so..keje xde la stress2.
cume xbrp nk bleh duduk r. uhu..

masuk tgh2 bulan 7.
so da dpt la gaji separuh.

xbwat ape pn lagi ngan duit tu.
igt nk simpan dlu.. mebi 60-70% ke..
yela.. nak bwat byr ptptn ke.. ape ke..kan?
menabung kena dimulakan. kena simpan jgk sikit2.

selebihnya.. hm.. tgk la cne.
yg pasti kena ada reserve utk bg kt sepupu sepapat yg xkeje lg raya nnti.
xpela gaji xbyk pon..
kalo kte memberi kpd org, Allah ganti balik kan?
so, no worries la bab tuh.

skrg I'm facing a big challenge to myself.
kak rieda ckp, kalo sale melebihi rm35k, baru dy bg komisen.
komisen tu la yg sy nk kejar.
salu dgr member2 yg keje gaji bese je, tp komisen yg byk.

I'll try my best lah.
nk raya kan, org pompuan mesti nk bersiap-siaga.

ade peraduan beraya ngan siti.
can enter if you buy rm100++ barang simplysiti.

sy plk..xpenah lg try brg simplysiti neh.
tp, stkt neh, mostly sy dgr..komen yg memberansangkan.

(apela,nama je xpkai plk produk tuh. ish2)

barang2 dy mahal la cik kak oii..
ni baru dpt gaji..baru berpitish nk usha2..

(oh ye, bebaru ni ade 2 org gurls dtg watsons..cari blusher kot. xtaw la dy pkai ape, tp kulit seyes mcm telur rebus. licin giless. nk tnye, segan. ade sorg lg member yg kerja kt watsons tu pn prsn 2 org gurls tu. ktorg pon ape lg..berdiskusi pjg la psl mereka. ehh..xngumpat. puji je. kagum kot. mcm patung kulit dorg..aish..jeles2)

uish..ape melalut tu..

sy nk cter psl part time job tu je.

oh one more thing.
my kwn da dpt baby.
seyes jeles n eksaited.

baby sendiri kot.
kiut giless.


bile akuh nk kawen neh? haha :P

*a sudden glimpse of the movie, beauty and the briefcase*

p/s: I don't talk stupid. xbrp gemar betul kalo ckp berbelit2 or gedik2 ngan stranger. in chats, virtually..I mean. can't they write and eja properly? xmacho satu hal. ahaks. same2 bestie xpe la kalo sengaja nk ckp belit2, or mnja2...kan?
(phm ke? bwat2 phm jela..)