Wednesday, February 24, 2010


assalamualaikum wbt..

huhu.. just passing by fuzzy, emotional, crazy n complicated days..
never thought I'll face that kind of problems in my life..
not sure if they're actually problems..
but, I believe... they taught me lessons which can be applied in the future..
so, I wudn't make the same mistakes again..

Rasulullah SAW says,

"Barang siapa yang hari ini lebih baik daripada hari kelmarin, dialah orang yang paling beruntung. Barang siapa yang hari ini sama dengan hari kelmarin, dialah orang yang rugi. Dan, barang siapa hari ini lebih buruk daripada hari kelmarin, dialah orang yang celaka".

well, life's a long journey...and there's more to face in the upcoming days..
things beyond our expectations..
far beyond...

I've learnt that..

1. If we made anyone, please try hard to fulfill it. If we afraid, or not sure we are able to fulfill them, don't ever try to promise anything. It'll make people lose their trust on us..

copied from a forum:

Seorang penyair telah mengambarkan sikap mungkir janji dengan tujuan untuk menghindarkan daripada sikap tidak menepati janji bila seseorang itu berjanji dengan katanya:

‘Jangan kamu merungut apabila suatu masalah tidak dapat diatasi. Sesungguhnya penyempurnaan terhadap satu janji dalam suatu perkara dengan perkataan "Ya".

Sebaik-baik perkataan “Ya” selepas "Tidak", dan seburuk-buruk perkataan "Tidak" selepas pengakuan "Ya". Sesungguhnya "tidak” selepas "ya”, suatu yang tidak diingini. maka dengan perkataan "tidak", mulalah meringan-ringankan tanggungjawab, dan mulalah hidupmu dipandang ringan yang membawa penyesalan selama lamanya. Dan apabila kamu berkata "Ya", maka sabarlah terhadap kesanggupan itu, dengan tujuan menjayakan perjanjian bagi mengelak bersalahan janji untuk menjauhi dari kamu dikeji.

2. If we feel frustrated, or..hate someone who suddenly tear our heart apart... try hard to forgive them. Don't just open our eyes to see the bad things they've done to us. Don't forget all the kindness and love they gave us before... It's not worth to destroy years of relationship just because of the mistakes they've done. We are not God, not angels, not prophets... we can never run from doing mistakes.. Give them and even urself chances to heal the condition..

3. Urm.. we have to be serious in life. Be careful with every words we said. Honest is good (undeniable), but there are certain things that are better left unspoken coz, when we said something that might hurt anyone else's feelings... the scar will always be there. Will be remembered as long as they keep breathing. The condition will never be the same..

"Lebih baik sakit kerana diam, daripada sakit setelah terluah"

4. Huhu... NEVER try to cheat or hurt anyone that already put their trusts on us. Coz, at the end, it'll turn on hurting us. Remember that, we can to turn back time. What goes around will definitely comes around. Bare that deep in ur mind.

5. Appreciate all the things we already have. Syukurlah dengan ape yg kite ada. Jangan nak sibuk2 sangat kejar ape yang kite belum tentu kite akan dapat. If not.. menyesal tak sudah. Menangis air mata darah sekalipun.. dah takde maknanya.. (aish, bunyi cam org putus cinta la plk..hikhik)

"yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran"

6. erm....(ape lg ye..? org tganu kate " dok mmari".. nanti la post balik~huhu)


izaanirfan said...

firstly, tak setuju phrase "lebih baik sakit kerana diam, daripada sakit setelah terluah.." for me, its the other way around.. becoz this phrase contradict with point no 4.. *cam mengajar bahasa la plak..*

secondly.. bukan mmg putus cinta ke klo point2 gini?? hahahahaha..*gelak guling2*

Zaren said...

hurm...I point out that phrases bukan untuk semua perkara..

for example: kite terasa hati dengan kwn kite, rasa mcm nak hentam2 on d spot, baik diam je dulu..tahan rasa nak hentam tu..jgn terus marah2..lame2 reda la. mana tau, salah faham je ke sbnrnye..
Bila dah terhambur, dua-dua sakit hati. elok2 boleh settle, jd makin rumit pulak..kan makin sakit tu.


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