Monday, June 27, 2011

geu sarang.. it?

isanghe. anehnya. weird.

bitter and sweet at d same time.
d poison, d cure.

some people kill for it. die because of it.
even a reason for a person to keep on living.

"d Power" source: google image

hurts a lot don't it? when love leaves you. like half of your life, your heart.. breaks. could become like a walking dead. soul-less.

then again, it's love who comes rescuing you. give you life. happiness.

hmm.. don't you think, that kind of word. no. feeling, weird enough for everyone to have?

like a question without an answer. 

so.. because of love is so weird and unpredictable,
be careful.

there's a quote.. or..what ever it is..

"feelings changes, but memories don't"

p/s: mode bru pas abes playful kiss and doreifasolatido. aigoo.. xsah kalo xkuar air mata tgk cter sedih. ape ke sensitif benonye kamu ni.. hmm. (wei.. bukti berperasaan okeh. d term is empathy!)


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