Friday, July 8, 2011

wordless Friday??



here's a creepy shocking story..

last nite... after I watched a movie on TV3, about 12 am plusplus..

I went straight to my bed. I want to sleep. Man this ulser at my tongue's killing! 

as I was in my tryings to sleep, I heard something.. like.. something fall on the ground, just outside my window.

I was a bit nervous. My room is at the most up front location compared to other rooms, so I can see if there's anything, or..anyone getting in through the gate.

so, I took a peek. 


no one.

I afraid.. what if.. somebody tried to get in. or..maybe.. he already successfully did? or...maybe.. well, cats or whatever bumped the vase..

so many what if..

I tried to sleep again. cautiously.


after a few of rolling here and there.. I heard again!

not that falling or cracking sound.

but something like.. squiecking? is that the correct spelling?? oh whatever..

it's an animal sound.. grunting!

I tried to peek again. It was kinda dark outside. Eyes searched here and there... up and.... down!

there it was! no.. there THEY were!!

2 piglets just crossed my eyesight.

I wasn't so sure what they are.. so I went to the kitchen, taking peek from there. 


one..two..three......four.....five....six.... seven... eight!
eight of them!

what were they doing here??
how did they get inside??
why so many of them?????????

6 piglets.. 2 bigger 'piggy banks'

euww!!!! so alive in front of me!!

I rushed to my parents room. I woke them up. 


there are pigs in the yard!

Dad told me, he did hear something but he didn't know what was it..

Mom followed. 

we were so dumbfounded. How on earth those things got in?
especially the bigger ones, mums I believe?

gate was closed. firmly. oh! there's a hole at backyard. at the fence (pagar). between mine and the neighbor. 
I guess the small ones went tru there.

again..what about the big ones???

I told dad to open the gate.. let them went out by them self. You know, they are afraid of us human, we jump infront of them, they'll run like hell.

so, all of us keep on peeking. I tried to take pictures of them, but they ran so fast. Plus it was dark. I couldn't see them. Hiding behind lime, banana, and curry trees.

Oh! there's a big one outside. Been calling for the babies. Grunting, you know the sound. Dad and me looked at it, and that thing stared back at us. Ohhoo..bold huh? must be male.. They're are the wild piggies, when they are small.. they got some kind of lining pattern on there skin. Got older, lining disappear.. and just brownish colored fur left. not the pink ones okay.

I noticed, their nose are soo long. euww... *a glimpse of last nite tragedy*

quite weird though, we are not that close to the woods.. There are houses.. a lot of, around.

where did they come from??
even weirder.. it's 8 of them. 

(lapan kottt.. banyak tuh! xpenah2 tgk kerbau pendek dekat.. amik kau! 8 ekor terkedek lalu depan kau. dalam kawasan rumah kau lg!!) was a confusing moment. by 1.45am, they all went out. from the hole at backyard..and also the front gate.

I couldn't wait for the morning to come. I want to search any possible hole or whatever they got in through.

But I couldn't find it. other that last nite hole..

(yang besar tu..muat ke?? size like a baby cow. only shorter, and fatter. like baby hippos maybe?
eii.. punah pagar.)

the question..left unsolved. huu

that was the first time I saw pigs around this neighborhood. I've heard people talking about it. I guess, there must be few case like already..

salah dorg ke? dah manusia pegi buat rumah byk2 kt kwsn bukit, dy nyer tempat tinggal hilang la.. kan? mereka pon nak hidup jgk.. kan..? huu.. kesian pn ada kt mereka2 ni..


EIGHT duhh! can you believe that.. ?? try la.. all 8 in your yard. haha

*still in shock*

wordless... <-- sbb ulser pon ye jugak nehh..

p/s: kena samak ke ek? like satu kawasan rumah ni kot dy jelajah.. huhu
2nd p/s: mood speaking, bru tgk vid omputes smlm..huhu. fluent gila. nama pon omputes owp? haha


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