Saturday, January 14, 2012

CEO's PA? oh mann..


today's my 4th day kat Merang Suria Resort nih.
oh..FYI, I'm joining GEMS
Graduate Employability Management Scheme
korg gugel nak cter pjg.
nak tdo neh :P

actually me dftr theres agak byk of things yg me tertinggal..
but I'm catching up

bcoz of dtg lmbt..
I got the position as CEO PA in my company.
seua 20 org..
everyone got jawatan masing2

ceo ke, hr manager ke.. finance ke..coo project ke..
mcm2 lah..

still blur2.. but itsokay.
the beginning is always like this.
tibe2 nk kena jadik pa ceo.

ceo plk lelaki.
haih.. trouble btul nak kena deal ngan lelaki.
lg2..ble jadik pa.. maunye kena slalu update ngan beliau.
bkn x suka..
cuma.. ntah.. xreti nk berkomunikasi ngan lelaki.
hmm..awal lg kot.. nnti me sempoi2 lah kot ble dh ngam sket.
so..afraid lah..he might think me xpndai bwat keje ke ape..

ceo..hensem? haha.. boleh laa.. ngahahaha..
n ade la jgk some other participant yg not bad lah looks nye..hahaha
tp.. no feelings2 ea..:P

mebi sbb me waiting for sumone else...? :P jadik mslhnye..sumone else think.. xtahu kot yg me like him
me minat2 gtu jela.. gtu2 pn..
seems like.. me eyes not really terlekat to anyone here.
got time to online.. I'll go stalking his facebook..

ni..minat2 gtu je ke?
aiya... me pn dh xsure.
minat..n like.. same ke?
=.= melepas plk....
tgh byk pilihan nih.


adoi.. lari btol nawaitu.


i came here.. for few reasons.
i want to improve my skills
i want to de-freeze my brain
i want to get new frens
i want to get exposure..

exposure. u know la.. me ni jenis segan2 ngan lelaki..
kalo duk umah je.. ntah ble la nk dpt exposure kan..
seeing frens n cuzin now nearing to the married life
mane x jeles.
me..calon pn xdek lg.

who knows... my jodoh's here? hohohh

dude.. at least i hv the gut to berusaha..
not just tunggu jek kan.. I am too a capable person ok!

falsafah apekah

okla.. me dah fenim2 lalats..
me cabut dulu ea..


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