Wednesday, June 24, 2009


back to English. (since someone did comment about using BM n BI in d same time..hihi)

Nothing much to say..I'm not feeling very well. The fever's gone, but the cough's still there, interrupting my days and nights. Hope it'll be fine b4 the 3rd sem starts..

Curious, why teenagers and early adults love to talk about love? Most of my friends, which are IPT students now don't really talk merely about love. They talked about about marriage! An advanced stage of life. Are we ready enough to talk about it? We're just 20's..(me excluded). Why in hurry? InsyaAllah, our journey is still far. We don't even finish our studies yet..Although it is not illegal, but don't you all think it's kinda rush? Our goal now is to study. Finish what must be done first. Don't try to involve yourself in this love thing yet coz it'll cost you your future. Study first, k. Fight, fight,fight!

If you already have an interest in someone, desiring to make him or her as your future partner..just leave it to Allah s.w.t. We don't know our destiny, what's written in Luh Mahfuz. We plan, but it's HIM who decides what's best for us. What happen if the person you like is not your true partner? You'll frustrated, you waste your love to the wrong person. Pitiful.


I'm not saying.."hey everyone, stop loving.. avoid early marriage!" It'll be very harsh isn't it? Sounds like forcing everyone to kill the feeling to love. Everyone have feelings, and if it's their destiny to marry early, why must we oppose? Better than doing all the sins..

I am really curious about these people who dare do marry in such an early age. too curious.. But I'm not that serious thinking about it.. Personally, I have more interest in my studies..for now. Don't really remember what's love like. Relax my friends, the right man will come when the right time comes. So, don't expect too much..again, leave it to Allah s.w.t.

Hmm..just curious..


Al-Zakwanism.. said...

Love is the best thing happen in our life...

Zaren said...

best, what if we can't control it properly? love could be a very dangerous thing too..

izaanirfan said...

hurm.. back in UTP, my fren, in his 20s, already got married wat.. Despite all people who look at her marriage as a hindrance to her study, and thought that "geez, cane la nak idop ada suami", she got her life better than others, i guess (from my observation la..). Maybe some people look at young marriage as something weird, but did Rasulullah said that "we are weird (ghuraba')"? (rujuk Hadith Muslim no 145)
And did aisyah ra married Rasulullah at 9?
Love is something plays within the deepest heart, that someone dont even have the power to control. Can you? We are not angels that dont have an nafs, and now yes we still can fight those silly love, but how long we can hold it??

Remember, Allah is no 1, but study is not no 2, 3 or 4.. it shud be in parallel.. Satu ibadah tdk akan menyalahi ibadah yang lain, melainkan ia bukanlah ibadah.. So, if we take nikah is ibadah, how can we screw at study??
Sabda Rasulullah saw,
"Tiga golongan yang pasti Allah tolong adalah, hamba yang ingin memerdekakan dirinya, lelaki yang ingin menikah kerana menjaga kesuciannya, dan pejuang dijalan Allah" (hadis hasan, diriwayatkan oleh At tarmidzi)

Have faith in Him, who never fails helping people in his jihad towards Him the Almighty.. insyaAllah, nothings goes wrong..

Anyway, just my opinion..~

Zaren said...

long time no see, man..thanks 4 ur opinion.. u have good dalils in making it a lot clearer. But, everyone aren't d same rite? depends to their kemampuan la kan.. it's a big responsibility to be taken..

izaanirfan said...

yup.. ikot kemampuan ler.. yg penting bekalan agama mesti cukup, kebergantungan pada yang Maha Agung mesti tinggi, then it shud be no problem.. Datang la masalah kewangan, masalah study skali pon, pasti dapat ditentangnya..

btw, yes, long time no see.. nice blog btw.. sila2 lah berkunjungan ke blog ana ek.. ;)

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