Sunday, July 25, 2010


the water's so clear
so pure out of tear
so green n blue
so grace and slow

the sky's so wide
hanging up high
so clean and free
so blue and empty

sitting by the beach
I saw girls running..
I sat on the sand
Golden like sand

staring d Sea..
I smile.. something came to my mind..

What if.. I lose control
my feelings burst out
I lose my mind..

I walk to d beach..
walk further till no one sees me
walk slowly like a lost soul..

I almost drowning..
I see nothing..but darkness..
the light seems so far..
I'm ready to go..


Then suddenly..someone grab my arm..
taking me away from the dark..
I see light surrounds me
I see that someone..

A young man.. He would be so worried..
Someone so stupid try to kill herself..

I would smile..

I would fall in love with him at that very right moment..


I smile again..'s just an imagination..
it would b lovely story to tell

just like in d dramas..
the movies..

what a sweet story it would be...


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